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Everything posted by michael8554

  1. Results look good. I would only point out the guide rates RA guide speed = 1.5a-s/s , Dec guide rate = 1.5a-s/s. Theses are very low, should be at least 7.5a-s/s, and points to using the default ASCOM PulseGuide Setting in EQMOD: The fact that you tried to Calibrate at Dec=90 suggests you haven't read the PHD2 instructions ? Michael
  2. From your earlier post it seems this camera is for Planetary imaging. Long sequences of high frame rate video. Is SIRIL the right software for this purpose ? Screengrab is to poor to comment on, post a JPEG of the Siril result. Michael
  3. The subs have "round" stars, with some tilt and coma. So no Diff Flex. I wouldn't worry about the slight Dec drift over 90 minutes, since guiding seems to be coping. The stacking error suggests a wrong mode like comet stacking, but obviously the galaxy isn't moving with respect to the stars like a comet would. Back focus for an 8" Edge HD is 133.5mm without the 0.7FR, 105mm with the FR: https://www.innovationsforesight.com/support/celestron-edgehd-back-focus-tolerance/ Michael
  4. The MPCC spacing depends on how you have attached it, could be 57.5 +/- 1mm:
  5. This sort of thing: https://www.365astronomy.com/tele-camera-adaptor-1.25-31.7mm-for-eyepiece-projection-by-ovl The link is low on spec, but the thread at the top may be T2. Michael
  6. Got mine this morning Michael
  7. Yes. To matching counts, not you're confused again 😆 Michael
  8. The V1 does up to 6 secs exposure, the V2 up to 10, and the HQ up to 230secs. Pixels are tiny (1.12 to 1.5um) so would be best for a guide setup that requires a short FL guidescope eg 100mm FL. Does it have a driver that the guide software recognises ? Michael
  9. Hi Stuart Oversampling doesn't matter per se in the guiding setup, it might in an imaging setup. But 0.18arcsec/pixel isn't a sensible image scale to guide with. Binning x4 would improve it, but really it means you have a camera with too-small pixels. Also as you have opted for an OAG with a 12x12 prism, you want a sensor large enough to match that. Otherwise you might as well have bought an OAG with an 8x8 prism. Michael
  10. Hi William, https://www.firstlightoptics.com/solar-filters/baader-astrosolar-safety-film-nd-50.html IIRC it includes instructions for making custom-sized frames to suit your lenses. Michael
  11. Not necessarily, if the DC voltage and current rating are insufficient - what are they ? Michael
  12. Are you able to move through best focus ? Then you have a good combination of connections. So if images aren't sharp: Are stars bloated due to poor guiding, or due to too long exposures if not guiding ? Or collimation may need adjusting. Michael
  13. Yes, PA can never be adjusted to be "perfect", but anything better than 5arcmins is easily guided. That and the Backlash result suggest the Dec axis may also have Stiction. You really should return the mount again, with a copy of the GA result. Michael
  14. Yes Mark, though I'd describe it as the front edge. But according to the Altair spec, 55mm is approximate: Spacing of approx. 55mm to Sensor, which can be fine-tuned with our T2 spacers. Suggesting you tweak the 55mm to get best star shape in the corners of the image. Michael
  15. Hi Herrman Yes if you don't have a permanent setup, or disassemble at the end of each session, you will need to Calibrate every night. ASIAir similarity to PHD2 may mean the logs are in a folder called PHD. Or use the Windows File Search facility to find any files that include GuideLog in their filename. Michael
  16. After the GoTo slew, check in the handset what RA and Dec position the mount thinks it's at. If RA and Dec are correct, then you have the mount set to the wrong location, date, or time. Michael
  17. Hi Pete You should tidy up those cables catching on the mount and dragging on the ground. Michael
  18. Not familiar with the mount, all I know is 0.20x is too low, based on the number of Cal Steps. Yes, 0.80x is actually 12arcsec/sec, my bad. Sidereal is 15arcsec/sec, not 1arcsec/sec, I expect that you made a typo. Michael
  19. Ability to slew at 8 indicates power to the mount is adequate, but to be sure try at the highest setting, that may be the GoTo speed too. Monitor the voltage reading in the menu while slewing. If those tests pass, the handbox showing "Slewing" but the motors not running suggests a software issue. Maybe try a handbox Reset ? Michael
  20. The Review Calibration image shows that the RA and Dec Guide Speeds are set too low - 0.20x. So set the Guide Speed in the mount to at least 0.80x (or 8arcsec/sec or 80% depending on the mount). Then the number of steps in the Cal should be more like the expected 12 or so, instead of 51. Also you were Calibrating at Dec = 72.6, it's best to Cal near Dec = 0 and near south. A read of the PHD2 Instructions would help ? Michael
  21. Focus in the centre is slightly off (or is it slight dew ?) The corners have coma. Michael
  22. Looks like the first image has a much longer exposure than the second image. Michael
  23. Possibly the RA guiding is worst at the peak of the Periodic Error ? Michael
  24. So you want to use this Svbony Guidescope as a Finder, with a correct image diagonal. You might succeed with the helical focuser removed and the correcting diagonal inserted:
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