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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. Iota Cassiopeiae and Zeta Cancri (Tegmine) are my absolutely favourite triples with these you can tell at once how good seeing and transparency is. Most importantly you can see how good your optics are A good 4" refractor given seeing and transparency will split both these objects. I totally agree with you John both my four inch's have split it and my five inch, the view was much clearer in the 5" though. Paul
  2. Brilliant I have never tried those dark nebulas although probably haven't got a scope big enough to see them now. I set up last night polar aligned but at 10.30pm cloud rolled in I left my kit out hoping for it to clear as the met office said it was clear all night. Went back out at 11.45pm could only see a very hazy Jupiter and that was it. Another to add to my list "Blue Racquetball" thanks for posting.
  3. I dont drink well very rarely I have a condition which alcohol makes worse sorry to say.
  4. A warm welcome to SGL
  5. Brilliant I am looking at a vango icarus 500 dlx I will get the sites together let people have a look.
  6. I had wrote a list out for last night the planets obviously then double and multiple star's in Pegasus. My wife got a message off a old friend who came to our wedding asking about a camping kettle, well the wife invited her around she came round at 9.20pm just as I was setting up with the help from my son. So we sat outside in evening sky me polar aligning and then a two star alignment. The wife and our friend having a glass of wine. This is when our friend said wow you have some kit I've never looked through a telescope so my planned night went out the window and I preceded to give our friend a quick tour. Saturn adjusted the scope to the right height for our friend then said here you are have a look well the excitement coming from her was brilliant she asked what's that dot near it I said Titan it's largest moon she could not believe it. Jupiter this was similarly viewed with excitement and I was asked what those bands on the planet I said they are made up of gas either rising or falling made up of different chemicals. Then she said its got 4 moons I said there are more than that over 50 and Saturn has over 80. Neptune next could not believe that little blue dot was that far away and you can see it. Andromada just a cloud with a bright centre but a galaxy like ours none the less. The double cluster this was a wow kept looking at the part of the sky then looking through the scope finished off with NGC457 this was another wow said it looks like a man in the sky. Not the night I had planned but great company and seeing and hearing excitement in her voice was music to my ears. Paul
  7. Dont worry I've been called worse names than Tony 😃
  8. Peak Star Party ἰἰ we could have the 1st of April I have a couple of different campsites I may post and let people choose then we go with the majority.
  9. I am looking at the new moon in April just trying figure out where to go and I have to get a new tent just sold my air tent, brilliant tent just took up to much room in the boot. Better news out the blue this morning got my appointment for my epidural on the 23/9 this year hoping that will provide some relief from the pain in my back. Be nice to catch up again Duncan best wishes Paul
  10. Yes out of the blue this morning brand new pair turned up and they are much better no squarish views very pleased with them up to now will try them out when its clear see what Jupiter looks like. Thanks Paul
  11. Now I wonder with that the Ioptron az Pro and pier extension will it take a long frac ie 127mm F9. 3. Tube length 1180 mm length.
  12. I like the first book just a word of warning I know you may think why is he telling me this but just in case don't look at the Sun with binoculars have to use appropriate solar film or solar filters.
  13. Cheers for that brilliant much appreciated.
  14. http://www.schlatter.org/Dad/Astronomy/collimate.htm. This site is no more did anyone screen shot the pages please
  15. I did the same with my Tal when I did a star test the sketch you have drawn is exactly what I could see. I took this after the star test as you can see its perfect.
  16. wookie1965

    New Member

    A warm welcome to SGL
  17. I have had all the BST 's and the shorty x2 Barlow. I have other eyepieces which I have used with the Barlow and the views where very good. I only sold mine as I got a 2x Tal Barlow, rare.
  18. Clear here until 15 minutes ago now white cloud coming over.
  19. Brilliant thanks another good resource.
  20. Cheers John I will hang on a couple more weeks will you let me know if yours turns up and I will do the same for you thanks. Paul
  21. I saw a post a few weeks ago about a catalogue you could send off for that you could get near enough anything you wanted. One person said be careful as its easy to spend money on things you didn't know you needed. I did send for one but it has not turned up so I am trying to find the page again so I can try again if anyone knows what I am talking about please could post a link please.
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