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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. No John that`s a new one for me thank you very much.
  2. Nice haul there some really nice doubles.
  3. If Nic's sketches are right it's a Celestron C6r on a EQ6 mount. 6" Achromatic refractor I think it's f8 if I remember right.
  4. Great haul there loads of different colours and magnifications well done.
  5. I had parked the scope last night so started the session without alignment but it was out so did three star Alignment, Arcturus, Vega and Capella much more accurate. Coma Berenices Σ 1633 (SAO 0822 54) yellow/white twins with a hair split. 24 CB (SAO 1001 60) Colour here is lovely Yellow and Blue a fine sight. Σ 1685 (SAO 1003 07) Slight gap here blueish white and pale green white 32-33 CB (1003 11) Wide double Haas says grapefruit orange and pearly white I just saw orange and white. Σ 1639 (0822 93) this was very tight had to use 6.4mm here. 1.7° split 17 CB (SAO 0823 30) Very wide nearly the same colour. Canes Venatici Σ 1645 (SAO 0441 87) twin white stars α CVn (SAO 0632 57) Cor Caroli What a sight truly beautiful large white star with blue/green secondary 16-17 CVn (SAO 0633 80) Very wide white pair of stars Σ 261 (SAO 0633 96) Tight Whit/blue stars split with a hair with a 10mm with nothing else in the FOV even at lower powers.
  6. That was my first scope and up to now the only one I have ever caught E and F in the Orion Trapezium with cracking scope.
  7. Nice haul and I am not Jealous I am really not Jealous that you got the Leo trio not Jealous at all.
  8. A great session there I have not managed to get the 3rd component of Tegmine yet I keep trying though.
  9. Wow I would love to have your sky I can only see smudges of M81 and M82, Great report and what a haul.
  10. Brilliant Nick Hercules and Lyra are coming over to my best view so I have them to look forward to. I went for Coma Berenices and a few in Canes Venatici last night. Great report and sketches as usual.
  11. It was Nick and the eyepieces that's why I didn't bother trying and just packed up. The views where getting watery.
  12. I was thinking about that I have a Astrozap dew strip and another a friend made had them both running last night warm to the touch as well when I was stripping down.
  13. If you have it so you can see the three mirror clips and the secondary is nearly in the middle as I said there will be a slight offset and the black dot is bang in the middle of your centre spot yes.
  14. If you read about the 150p as I have said there is a slight offset of the secondary because it is a F5 scope. Here is another guide this may help better I have just found it. https://www.dropbox.com/s/z101875limcuzjy/Newtonian Collimation.pptx?dl=0
  15. Set up 9.30pm Aligned with Arcturus and Regulus. Checked accuracy by going to named star Arcturus as I was going for Bootes quite a bit off so centred it. Κ Boo (SAO 0290 46/45) close double White primary silver secondary. ί Boo (SAO 0290 71) Wide double straw yellow with a dirty white. δ Boo (SAO 0645 89) Super wide but plenty of colour lovely yellow with blue secondary. μ Boo (SAO 0646 86/87 Supposed to be a splendid sight I could not get the split and the view was terrible back to this in a minute. S656 (SAO 0830 22) Both the same magnitude slight variation of colour Σ 1838 (SAO 1010 09) Orange twins Σ 1850 (SAO 0833 74) Near white twins 2 Coma B SAO 0821 23) Tight double only Just split it with 6.4mm I have not written these in order of observing Before going for Alkalurops I went for Izar I knew there was something wrong when I could not split this, I thought perhaps mount had moved so tried Coma B and got it. Went back to Alkalurops because I was looking forward to sketching it but nothing, despite having two dew strips going the front was dewed up so no use carrying on I could have hair dried it but it was only going to come back so gave up with quite a few doubles I had not got.
  16. The 150p has a slight offset so dont worry too much about the secondary looking bang in the middle. In conjunction with astrobaby`s I use this one. http://www.schlatter.org/Dad/Astronomy/collimate.htm
  17. I did a few in Bootes last night and 1 in Coma Berenices Great sketches
  18. Great haul there Nick going try those Coma Berenices, great sketches as usual.
  19. I was given like that and you don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
  20. I have 2 televue plossls 11 and 20mm 4.5 TMB two japan meades 9.7 and 6.3mm 25,15,and 8mm BST' S and numerous others
  21. Its my goto eyepiece I use it every time I observe it in my opinion better than eyepieces you can pay hundreds of pounds for.
  22. Brilliant Nick absolutely hissed it down here last night with thunder and lightning I have a list for Auriga so will add those I haven't got thanks. I will start on the carbon star list as well.
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