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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. I had a great session last night my last object was M51 but I couldn't see it tried several times from home never got it. Great session you had there congratulations
  2. Thanks John, I am glad it wasnt just in my mind its the first time for me but I will definitely be visiting it again.
  3. Started at 10.45 still not fully dark aligned with Vega and Arcturus, had some clusters to get but went for doubles first let the sky darken. 16 Cygni (SAO 0318 98) Wide white/gold pair. 26 Cygni (SAO 0490 98) Orange and a green/blue pair here. 29 Cygni (SAO 0696 78) White/blue primary with orange secondary. 49 Cygni (SAO 0703 62) Tight this one used a 4.5mm to be sure of the split x262 Gold/Orange tiny grey speck 52 Cygni (SAO 0704 67) Orange/Red and a grey dot. 59 Cygni (SAO 0503 35) Lovely triple here Orange with two blueish companions. 61 Cygni (0709 19) Piazzi`s Flying Star one of the first whose distance was measured (Through its Parallax) in 1838 by Freidrick Bessel. Yellow/Orange twins cracking sight. S 786 and Σ 2789 (SAO 0333 34) these make up a double double S 786 is a wide pair yellow and blue and Σ 2789 are a pair of twin stars much like Rams eyes. Σ 2671 (SAO 0324 55) White and yellow/orange companion. Σ 2741 (SAO 0330 34) Both stars are blue white but had use a 6.4mm X184 to split it. ΟΣ 437 (SAO 0712 30) Yellow twins at X147 μ Cygni (SAO 0899 40) white/Blue pair at X295 δ Cygni (SAO 0487 96) Pale Yellow tiny companion had to Barlow my 6.4mm giving X368 with a hair split so very close. Onto the clusters first up NGC 6910 " Rocking Horse" Brilliant sight the shape was unmistakable. NGC 7063 Just a patch of a few stars not bad. NGC 7082 10 - 12 stars in the field nothing to shout about. NGC 6834 Sparse NGC 6866 "Kite Cluster" This was better easy to see the shape. NGC 6819 Blue/white stars here nice toook at with the colours. NGC 6811 This is very interesting cluster of stars and yet it looks like it has nothing in the middle just a hole wonderful sight. M 29 Sparse 10 - 12 stars here. M 39 This is wonderful pairs of stars all through this amazing. NGC 6826 (Blinking Nebula) This was a brilliant site with averted vision its there and I could see colour blue/green but that could be wishful thinking look straight at it, it disappears. Finished off with 3 I looked at a couple of days ago and was disappointed. M57 Blue ring in the sky just handing there looked brilliant in my 15mm M13 Stars popping out everywhere did not take mag very good 15mm at X 78 was sufficient. M92 This is a much missed globular as its in the shadow of its big brother M13 but it is a fine globular in its own right went to a 11mm here X 107 again individual stars popping out around the edges a very fine sight. All in all a really good night and found out there is nothing wrong with the 5" it was just the seeing I am looking forward to the next night with this now.
  4. Great session I must try the blinking planetary I have not tried that yet
  5. I have tried that but its so bright, I thought of making a hood on a long pole to hook over the light but it is hard getting it up there. The council in there infinite wisdom came and put a shield on like a chocolate ashtray
  6. According to the app bortle 6 not sure whether that's good or bad.
  7. Yes Stu the crown and flint where the wrong way round, collimation looks OK with and without the diagonal. It's quite good on double stars but I do notice at higher mags it will not focus I get rings, open clusters are ok just seems to be galaxies and globular. M31 looks awful just a bright mess no distinguishing features and no chance of seeing satellite galaxies. I don't even recognise M82 and M82 in it. The Tal is much much better I originally got this for tighter doubles and galaxies. I definitely need someone more accustomed to looking through achro's give me a verdict.
  8. http://skywatcher.com/product/2-125-eyepiece-holder-for-dob-50mm/ Then where to buy really easy.
  9. No I had my 127mm out I was just saying I have had better views with my Tal. Like I said I could do with a side by side comparison. I am not getting the views I thought I would but it could be very well be the seeing. How do I find out what my bortle is I've never known.
  10. Thanks John, I did wonder if it is this scope I could do with someone else looking through it I have great views with the Tal, but no two nights are the same so cannot compare. Could do with a side by side comparison. Paul
  11. Kicked off at 10.30 aligned with Arcturus and Vega while I was there checked M57 there it was bang in the middle (This 2" tripod is much sturdier) went to M13 disappointed here but think it was the seeing all I could see was a blob. On to Ophicuhus M9, M10, M12, M14, M19 and M62 either they where too low behind the houses opposite me or I just could not see them but never seen a one. NGC 6633 This was a lovely open cluster and at last I have seen something. IC 4665 lovely open cluster of blue stars NGC 6572 I thought this was a cluster and could only see like a thumb print blob until I went back to my lists and realised it was a planetary nebula I was well chuffed getting this. Double stars next and I had a list of 8 managed to get two split and Marfik was not one of them I could not split it. 70 Ophiuchi (SAO 1231 07) Nice pair of orange stars easily split with my 15mm Σ2276 (SAO 1033 73) Twin white pair here. M5 just a tight blob here must be the seeing. IC 4756 "Graph`s Cluster" this was the highlight of my night really brilliant wide cluster stars everywhere. Finished off with Albireo and thought Cygnus that is well placed away from houses I will get a list together for that and Lyra for next time.
  12. These have them, Optique Unterlinden 5, rue Daguerre, 68000 Colmar, France phone: + 33 389241605 fax: + 33 389293310 website: www.optique-unterlinden.com email: info@optique-unterlinden.com
  13. Thats only if you pick the dearest option otherwise its £7.50 p&p, look on astroboot or UK astrobuysell
  14. https://www.rothervalleyoptics.co.uk/skywatcher-2-to-125-adaptor-explorer-models.html
  15. Well I have not got to a point where I have (multi tank syndrome) yet I have a 3x2x18 tank nothing compared to yours I have no plants in I know I should but the shops here sell plants even after washing them I was inundated with snails. One or two I know are good for algae but I could not see in the tank for them. I run air stones in them, I am only a Amateur only been keeping 2.5 years.
  16. Great scope choice, welcome to SGL. I keep tropical fish I suppose you are into koi carp.
  17. £55 for terrestrial and bird watching they are brilliant great for the money just not that good for astronomy which is a pity really as they are lovely in my hands not too heavy.
  18. Revelation 10x42 SF Waterproof Roof Prism Binoculars I got these but I'm a bit disappointed with them looking for M13 or Jupiter's moons I cannot see them they are just 2 objects I've not seen there are others double cluster.
  19. Ohh yes and the label where it come from obviously has to have an address on in case cannot be delivered you would never guess in a million years where. A fire station so this character is a fireman unbelievable.
  20. Well that was a nightmare thought I would check the legs see if they extend. Well they didn't all white corrosive powder in them once I got them down that took over an hour. Sandpaper and wet and dry paper rubbed them down sprayed with white grease they are moving but not as free as I would like. I have my suspicions that the tubes have got the same corrosive powder I may have to take the legs apart at one point and see if there is anything I can do. When it rains it pours brilliant.
  21. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DMUE8fxqH3Qc&ved=2ahUKEwiqyp2rms3pAhXNMMAKHdPkCDEQwqsBMAB6BAgJEAM&usg=AOvVaw1Zwe1N9CyRJMfy1vKdkfig I did this on my 200p made collimating a doddle plus make sure your laser is accurate if someone hasn't already mentioned it.
  22. Not kidding I thought I was lumbered with it, its not exactly right as had to bolt it down on top as well as under the tripod in the future we think we are going to have drill and tap another hole as the north does not line up with the adaptor but we have got around that for the time being. I have got the mount over one leg so going try that.
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