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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. Thank you so much really appreciate all your help. Paul
  2. Brilliant I will have to open this page on the pc as my phone won't show the measurements so I can get the correct handle. I will do that later stupid phone and it's a Samsung s7 should be able to do it. Thank you very much. Paul
  3. Is that the one you take the end off cut down and put the end back on.
  4. I need a handle for my 5" refractor, I have just bought some skywatcher tube rings and the distance is 23". Going to try make one out of wood.
  5. Well ended up buying the 140mm skywatcher rings at first sent for some 3mm of the above link then we took the dew shield off and measured the diameter of the scope. Turned out it was 130mm so I sent for the 5mm stuff as well put the 5mm on could not close the rings took half off and replaced with the 3mm now it fastens. Just hope this will not affect the alignment of the scope now. Paul
  6. We may have mentioned it but there was no real discussion as we were all talking about the virus and lock down. Paul
  7. Yes I have and would be willing to contact the site once this virus has died down I am sure they would be happy for us to come so they make some money.
  8. As long as it's £91 per pitch I'm in who and when does this need paying please. Can you find out what amp the ehu is please.
  9. I used one on my Tal 100rs when it had a 1.25" diagonal only took it out when I bought a 2" diagonal.
  10. Would one of these work I have used them in a Frac diagonal. If it will dont buy one I will send you one free. https://www.ebay.co.uk/i/132997336391?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=710-134428-41853-0&mkcid=2&itemid=132997336391&targetid=910259638509&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9046510&poi=&campaignid=10195651334&mkgroupid=107296273132&rlsatarget=pla-910259638509&abcId=1145985&merchantid=137674249&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjJeatc2X6gIVi-3tCh3fkwg7EAQYAiABEgIy1fD_BwE
  11. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Dimmer-12v-DC-DC-8A-Regulator-Intensity-Led/252447321034?hash=item3ac7086bca:g:QY4AAMXQrhdTREnF One of these with a 12v supply
  12. I'm interested be nice meet up I will have wife son and granddaughter with me.
  13. Yes they do I use them on my refractors if you are using a newt make a dew shield out of a camping mat works wonders you can always get some thin plastic and glue that to the mat.
  14. I will have to try that in my Tal then the Meade see how they compare. Thanks John.
  15. Can some nice person measure the width of their skywatcher rings please I've seen this it will do just the job but it has different widths.
  16. You will have to get up early in the morning to see the planets. I would consider BST Starguider eps they punch well above there weight and have a very good reputation on here.
  17. wookie1965

    New hobby

    A warm welcome to SGL got a fine scope there.
  18. It's like riding a bike once you have done it once it will become second nature
  19. That's spot on now. You will not have to touch your secondary unless you take it apart or drop the scope all you need to do is check the primary and tweak it.
  20. Looking at that your primary needs tweaking to align the spot inside that little ring then you should be spot on.
  21. Sent for a pair £26.80 delivered bargain just wait find measurement to the centre of each then van get a handle.
  22. I am just looking now £21 plus delivery bargain Thank you so much I knew if I wrote on here someone would come up with something. Come up trumps again Thank you again.
  23. I can get 140mm ones and pack them out that`s a brilliant idea thank you, better than foam as wont go flat I will have resistance.
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