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Status Updates posted by crashtestdummy

  1. Just saw your orion optics review-have a look back a few years and you will see what I think of orion optics customer service ;)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. crashtestdummy


      Pretty sure you have already seen it faulksy, it was a few years back when they recoated my mirror.they have actually changed their wording for recoating on their site now but despite anything, it's the way they speak to their customers that is the problem. 

    3. estwing


       told you mike...i saw this change crash on the website...still got a few issues with my coating...

    4. crashtestdummy


      Yeah I looked a while back to see how much it would cost to do my 22" when finished and noticed they had changed it.I would literally only use orion optics if I had no other choice and then I would thing again and again.

  2. I'm many things in life but stupid isn't one of those.I also don't believe in coincidence so don't insult my intelligence, it was way too obvious ;)

  3. just ordered some electrical parts to start making a ronchi tester :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AlexB67


      To discover he's got a lot more grinding to do on that whopping mirror of his :D Crashtest, I hope it comes out nice for you. Making a 22 inch first time out must be very challenging I would think. Good luck :)

    3. emadmoussa


      Mammoth task indeed...good luck!

    4. crashtestdummy


      yeah its for mirror testing.yeah a very big task that im happy to take my time with.if it starts going wrong I will have it figured professionally but its going well so far :)

  4. tile tool cast,tiles and resin recd.tool resin sealed and drying so should complete the tool tomorrow night and be second stage grinding next week :)

  5. why is it so hard to find tiles for a tile tool?theres too much choice!!

  6. 9mm sagitta hit!!only about 3mm more to go before the tile tool can be started!!

    1. Daniel-K


      Are you use 1/3over centre?

    2. GreatAttractor


      That's some nickname :]

  7. wow,over 4000 blog views!!!!glad people like reading my attempt at building a scope

  8. lightbridge sold,paracorr sold and a few people emailed about the 30mm 82.looks like i will be ordering an 80mm finder and a feathertouch with sips next week!

  9. paracorr sold,30mm es 82 provisional.just need to drop the price if the lightbridge a bit then hopefully i can stary ordering bits for the 22"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. crashtestdummy


      I'm ordering a feathertouch sips system :)

    3. faulksy


      wish i new you was selling your paracorr

    4. crashtestdummy


      I had someone who wanted first refusal :)

  10. well thats £750 to fix the car that ive had 3 month,taken back 3 times and still needs a £600 clutch change.hating cars at the moment and its denting my scope fund!luckily i can make do with other things

    1. HumptyMoo


      Cars are money sinks, getting a good one is pretty much a lottery.

  11. trying to decide since i have only observed 3 times in 3 months if i shouls sell my 16" lightbridge and start buying things for my 22" scope like feathertouch with sips and an 80mm finder.two minds as if the weather ends up good i could be without a scope until summer

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. scarp15


      Another suggestion might be to take out a credit card that offers an interest free shopping term, pay it off in full when you sell your lightbridge and have your new scope ready to use at the same time.

    3. rory


      you don't wanna be scopeless ,its no fun


    4. crashtestdummy


      i don't do credit cards,everything I own is 100% paid for :)

      scopeless isn't too bad tbh as the weather is always too bad to use one most of the time.looks like this month is done observing wise as the moon is now rising so that's another 2 weeks with no observing.think I will hold out until april then sell stuff ready unless ive finished my mirror before then

  12. good forcast from 10pm tonight until 2am and the wind has dropped so hopefully first observing session for a month!!!!wish me luck

  13. hoping its clear early hours as ive not observed for a month :)

  14. looks like i will be sending my second htc one back for replacement as this one now wont connect to the pc as a removable drive and isnt recognised by htc synch!!useless pos!!!!

  15. Chuck Norris killed an army of 5000 with two shots,and the first one was a warning shot

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. emadmoussa


      You know, there's a third fist in his beard...

    4. crashtestdummy


      everyone knows Chuck Norris let bruce lee win because he knew he didn't have long left anyway ;)

  16. 22" mirror grind phase one-bevelling!!

    1. Dude_with_the_tube


      wish you best of luck on your monster build mate!

    2. crashtestdummy


      Wow after an hour and a half I have just over a 2mm bevel on one side but I've been steady andthere's no chips.

    3. arrayschism


      Are you running a progress thread? :)

  17. 2x22" blanks coming my way tomorrow :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Naemeth


      What focal length are you going to make them? Presumably around the F/3 mark?

    3. crashtestdummy


      f3.6 for a 2000mm focal length.dont want the scope too high at zenith

    4. Naemeth


      I'm thinking of a 24" F/3 myself at some point, at 1.8m focal length I shouldn't ever need steps :D.

  18. sick of hearing about comets!!!!!

    1. allcart


      So am I. i just can't get to see one.

    2. hobsey


      Wouldn't be so bad if you could see them at a reasonable time.

    3. crashtestdummy


      Every other thread is Ison this and lovejoy that.

  19. please please please be clear at my dark sky site tomorrow night,its been way too long since i last had a dark observing trip and im falling behind on this years targets!!!!!

    1. YKSE


      fingers crossed.

    2. Mike73


      Holiday next week so tonight is the only chance I have this new moon and even thats looking dodgy!!

    3. crashtestdummy


      Managed a half decent night for a change but hoping for another night next week before the moon is up again.2 decent dark site sessions a month and im happy enough

  20. just set up in the garden with perfevt clear skies,collimation started and then it starts raining so packed up.what a waste of time!!!!

  21. another dodgy weather forcast resulting in another 120mile wasted round trip.thats 4 in a row now.bbc weather you owe me money!!!on holiday for a week now so moon will be up when i get back.another wasted month :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Daniel-K


      looking good for tonight...im on nights though :( and still have me equinox 80 to test !

    3. Daniel-K


      looking good for tonight...im on nights though :( and still have me equinox 80 to test !

    4. simon-ow


      I find xcweather.co.uk is quite reliable and has % cloud cover throughout day and night.

  22. nice little session-all parts of the veil in UHC and a few galaxies in pegasus

  23. cant believe ive only observed 254/7840 of the ngc's even though ive ticked the messiers and im a quarter of the way through the herschel 400.though my number would have been much higher.efforts must be doubled

  24. just emailed my local council about shielding some streetlights.fingers crossed

    1. Daniel-K


      Good luck with that

    2. gazza63


      Try and get a petition if you can.

      Good luck

    3. emadmoussa


      Call and call and call...

  25. never bothering setting up my scope on a public campsite ever again!!what a waste of time

    1. emadmoussa


      what's happened?

    2. crashtestdummy


      People walking up to you with torches asking you what you are doing and general things like idiots with laser pointers.gave upto avoid being blinded by them all.

    3. emadmoussa
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