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Everything posted by kirkster501

  1. Every time this has happened to me it has been a USB issue. The USB-gremlins are always looking for ways to get us...
  2. You could use TGV-Denoise and/or Multiscale Linear Transform to reduce the noise and sharpen the details too.
  3. I tried to tame this again. Surprisingly hard to process this subject.
  4. Very nice - I really like it. You’ve got nice detail in there and the stars are nice and round for ten minute exposures. Superb stuff. Collect more data and build on this. It would make more sense for this to be vertically aligned in my opinion as NAN pictures normally are.
  5. Well done. Such a fabulous area. As I said on the observing section when I was in Lanzarote, we miss so many fabulous targets stranded in the UK.
  6. Thanks Olly, yeah, I'm sure the data is fine and it's my processing skills that are lacking somewhat....... I will tinker about a bit more.
  7. Think I need to tone this image down a bit - it's a bit "in 'ya face"....... Maybe a slight blue cast to it as well. I shall return......
  8. I agree. He presented it almost as a fact that Mercury suffered a glancing blow when it was out near Mars, then within two minutes he said it was a possible scenario.... I liked the special effects though, they were marvellous. Overall, I enjoyed Episode 1 and will watch the others.
  9. Not normally a fan of BC but he was much better in this. Less of his wistful gazing into the distance than his other series. A good watch.
  10. Need more Ha and more Luminance but thought I would process this data and throw it out there. I always love a M31, whether mine or other people's. Would like to add more to this project. Would like more detail half way out from the core. Atik 460 on a FSQ85. Three hours L and 90 mins each RGBHa.
  11. Sorry for slight thread hijack but does the title thread reflect this special sketch? So funny...
  12. I have the AstroPhysics CCDT67 for my 14" ACF. I have yet to try this reducer since I bought it off of ABS two weeks ago due to other projects and cloud out. Others have used this same reducer on the ACF 10" scope successfully. I can't think why the 14" should be any different so I have taken a punt on it. https://astrojolo.com/gears/acf-10-and-ccdt67-telecompressor/
  13. The lack of a ton of ads makes the site so much better. Chapeaux for FLO for picking the tab up for the site.
  14. Ballpark how much does it cost to host SGL Grant with a cloud server of those specifications in that IaaS type configuration? A reasonable sum I bet. Do they leverage bandwidth charges as well?
  15. You may want to investigate the CCDT67 from Astrophysics. I plan on using this on a F11 Meade 14".
  16. It all continues to work well and site loads well. Notice from the IP address that it is hosted by Digital Ocean in London.
  17. Yes indeed, "you never know"! How many times have I said that before.... ? Do you know which geographical data centre runs the SGL server or no idea and it is just hosted in the cloud somewhere?
  18. Interesting,. thanks Grant. Are you going to run the two simultaneously then cut off the existing server at 9 after a DB snapshot ? I've done many of these over the years in my job.
  19. TBH, I am becoming more interested in this form of wide-ish field with Canon (Samyang) lenses than I am wide field telescopes. Indeed, my FSQ85 is starting to get a bit jealous and unloved. For sure I think am going to sell the FSQ 0.73 reducer and put it towards a QHY camera to mate onto the Samyang lenses.
  20. What app are youy guys using on your phone to do this? Wow Geof, you get a 2? In England????
  21. I'm Bortle 5. On a clear night does not seem so bad. Always a balance been accessibility to services/civilisation and being able to do astronomy. Regardless of Bortle class, give me some clear skies. I'd happily swap a drop in Bortle and have more clear skies.
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