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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Nice! Is the screw to prevent it from sinking too far into a 1.25" focuser or diagonal?
  2. Thanks, there really are loads on there, you weren't kidding! I've ordered an orange beanie with a bright white LED array on the front. I checked out the hats with red lights at the back but they all seemed to be flashing red lights. I can place some red acetate over the light so it's no biggy. Looking forward to trying it out
  3. Thanks Alan and I hear you, really hard times hey 😔 Just had a DIY astronomy video idea! Has anyone ever tried combining a beanie with a red LED light? It would need to be removable for washing changing batteries etc, just that a head torch can get uncomfortable after a while and I'm always banging my head torch on eyepieces and telescopes when I bend down. Something like a red LED strip that threads into the beanie would be good.
  4. Hahaha! Can you imagine the trailer voiced by Don Lafontaine, the guy with the deep voice that always voices movie trailers.
  5. Thanks Rob, more plans for the obsy in the spring I totally understand why you were so annoyed at the time. You were trying to do a kind thing for a fellow forum member and it was taken advantage of. I might have been a touch too dramatic with the adrenaline of the camera running and all that lol, maybe I went a bit over the top. I've always been impressed how you keep hold of your scopes so I know you don't sell things lightly. Dave's the man. I owe him one
  6. Thanks Alan! Funny you should mention because I have a plan for that logo 😃 What do you think about a line of beanie hats with this logo on lol. I was going to do a little merch banner below my videos but FLO are welcome to sell them if they wanted to. More for fun rather than a large mark up of course, but I do need to look at costs to see if it's viable.
  7. Working until 9pm but it looks crystal clear outside so I'll find the strength 👍
  8. Thanks Jeremy, yeah Dave's a legend for doing that!
  9. Obsy Update video and a very well deserved shout out to @Davey-T who did me a solid a while back
  10. You're not wrong Michael, I've fitted a solar powered light so far but things have slowed down until spring. I'm just going to try and enjoy it over the winter when the weather allows of course
  11. Congratulations, the pictures even sent a tingle down my spine so I can't imagine how thrilled you are!
  12. Congratulations! Four inches of aperture, FPL53 glass, and lovely looking build quality, there is no way you're not going to enjoy this scope
  13. Nice work! I did think sensitivity would be a problem with a OSC camera but I'll look into the the 462, thanks
  14. Thanks Wouter, and yes I agree, I wrote text during the video saying the same thing. I think it was the second piece of text although it was quite brief I read an article about using IR pass or red filters for mono lunar imaging and this is something I really want to try once I've got my hands on another mono camera in order to make the most of it. Watch this space (no pun intended) 😄 Cheers Wouter, is that your lunar work shown on your Avatar?
  15. Excellent, my StellaLyra RC8 is getting lonely 😁 Very much Looking forward to hearing more when you can divulge
  16. Very good choice, well done on a great purchase! @FLO pretty please try and stock something similar to this at some point. A StellaLyra or Myra 4" f/7 ED doublet would be magic, and there is a gap now the WO 103 ED doesn't seem to be available.
  17. haha cheers Stuart, thanks for the heads up about that one 😀
  18. After buying a new to me Altair Hypercam 294C Pro from a fellow forum member, and subsequently selling my old ZWO ASI385mc to another fellow forum member...as we tend to do This inspired a video, not only regarding first light with the new camera but also a primer on dedicated astro cameras which I really hope might be useful for anyone in the market. It includes things like considerations when buying a camera, and some of the cool tech inside the latest batch of astro cameras. I hope it's of use, and I think I'm going to enjoy this new camera, especially for EAA if I can get my hands on a fast scope.
  19. Well done, and be sure to let us know what you think of it after first light
  20. I sank down into my chair when I read this, I think I've probably sold several keeper telescopes 😄
  21. If this is an only scope we're talking about then a 4" would be better. I'm just concerned because the OP wants the scope for planetary and double stars, so very high mag situations. The TS or Altair with fpl53 glass would be better in my opinion, and they would be the same price as the StellaMira so must be in the OP's budget. The more affordable TS 102 with likely fpl51 glass would be nice of course, but when pushing the mag high then hmm? So my question is, why not the scope below? https://www.altairastro.com/starwave-102ed-r-fpl53-refractor-459-p.asp p.s. I would love to see a StellaMira 102 f7 !
  22. Exactly this, I would agree with John (who is off course one of the forums visual astronomy guru's so knows his stuff!) if we didn't have to consider optical quality between to two scopes! If we were comparing like for like optics he should definitely get the 102mm for sure, hands down, no question. TS do a fpl53 version for around the price of the R&P version of the StellaMira as you say.
  23. It's a good question, I know it covers full frame but what's the imaging circle again?
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