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Everything posted by Chris

  1. I've just received my 200p from FLO, so I've recorded an overview and comparison to the PDS version whilst unboxing it:
  2. Hey Carole, I should remind myself all about mono I think. The last Mono camera I owned was something called a Brightstar Mammut (similar to the Atik Titan), and that was way back in about 2011/12 ! lol
  3. Hi Carole, I really like the SHO's especially the first one as it's more striking. A really fantastic Job, and it just goes to show what can be done from light polluted skies! You're making me crave Mono narrow band now for those Moon lit nights 😁
  4. Sounds like a good compromise to me! πŸ˜„
  5. There's need, then there's want πŸ˜‰
  6. Congratulations Nicola! You'll love it for sure I had the FS60CB a few years back and it made with laugh how far you could push the mag without the image breaking down. I've been giving that 76DCU on the FLO clearance site a few cheeky sideways glances πŸ‘ŒπŸ€—πŸ˜„
  7. Imagine lol I would be shopping for Takahashi's before I knew it πŸ˜€ I just hope for peoples sake it doesn't get turned into a drinking game! 😁
  8. Steps for collimating your laser collimator begin at 2 minutes in:
  9. Well the cloud rolled in as soon as I set up of course, but thankfully I grabbed some Lunar frames first. Made a mistake by having Sharpcap set to FITS instead of AVI so stacking in Registax gave me a bright green Moon like the Hulk. Luckily it looked much better in monochrome. William Optics Megrez ED72 with the Altair 294c I popped my name on there to make it look nice and pretentious of course and within 10 minutes someone on Face Book also called Chris J Lock asked me of they could make it into a slide lol....at least they asked.
  10. I guess the good thing about mirrorless is there's tons of great vintage lenses that can be easily adapted when push comes to shove. I thought about suggesting the RP also, but it has that low dynamic range noisy sensor out of the 6DmkII which performs more like an APS-C according to reviews on YT. Weird as the 6D mkI had a great sensor. Fuji are nice, I've used an XT100 for astro but you do need to convert fuji's RAW files to Fits before you can use them with software like Deep Sky Stacker. Fuji run two lines, APS-C and medium format. I'd like a Fuji GFX50R at some point when the prices drop even further.
  11. Here is a list of backyard EOS (Canon's PC control software) compatible cameras, and the M6mkII appears to be on there: https://www.otelescope.com/byecameras.html/ If you plan on just having one camera it does cover a lot of bases such as shooting 14fps for sports and wildlife, dual pixel auto focus and mic input for video and full manual control and flippy screen for astronomy. It has the same sensor as the 90D, so should be pretty decent
  12. Apollo must have inspired so many! My first telescope was also a plastic toy and it was terrible lol
  13. Cheers Rob. When I got back inside all my family were huddled around a tablet looking at the 1st picture sent back. Such a relief after researching all the missions so far since the 60's and seeing how many failed. Looking forward to the data it sends back
  14. I was getting pretty tense watching the build up to Mars entry, so I ducked out to image Mars with my Heritage 150p and Logitech c270 webcam.
  15. Thanks Andy, we've got to laugh else we'll cry hey. Glad you enjoyed it
  16. Thanks Luke! lol yeah when you build an obsy you never really think about having to poor hot water on the padlock to unfreeze it, or that the roof will freeze shut too! I think it's still worth it though if you're ever in the position to convert on old shed as I've done, if only for the feeling that you can quickly roll the roof back if it suddenly rains or snows as it did during my 19th sub exposure that night lol!
  17. Cheers Rob, glad you like the animations! I love messing about with stuff like that πŸ˜†
  18. You're a man after my own heart, JeremyπŸ˜€ coincidentally I'm rubbish at impressions, but for some reason I can do a really convincing Kenneth " Oh behave!"
  19. Like many I've not been able to partake in a bit of astro for a while due to all this snow. More snow than I've seen for years in the South East recently so I was thankful to see an unexpected gap in the clouds. The clear outside app and Sat24 both promised a couple of hours if I was lucky so I grabbed the chance to try out the WO Megrez 72 with the Altair 294C which I had setup in the obsy a couple of weeks back. My first mission was to thaw the lock out, then the roof was iced shut, but eventually I gained access and managed the whole of one sub on Orion before it clouded over. Thankfully it was only passing clouds so I swung around to the north and eyed up M81/82. I managed 18 x 60 sec unguided subs before more clouds arrived, this time they started dropping snow on my scope so I shut up shop pretty quick. Stupidly I moved the camera before realising I needed to do my flats so I've been battling gradient with what data I do have, but it was so nice to get semi back on the horse with almost proper deep sky imaging. I'll take it as a win. As always I documented the night with video.
  20. Conversely I've found the Stella lyra 8rc ok for Lunar planetary.
  21. Haha thanks Jeremy! Yeah like a mouldy Doc Brown from back to the future πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜†
  22. My word! the snow is 5-6" deep now! I did get a quick window of opportunity this week to do some testing with one of the most affordable full frame cameras and lenses available now days, the Sony A7mk1 with 28-70 kit zoom lens. Just shots of constellations using a tripod but enough to do some ISO and lens aberration testing:
  23. I've put together quite a thorough overview of FLO's Clear Outside App for anyone that's interested:
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