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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Hey Neil, it sounds like I'd better check out Chris's video, thanks for that Maybe you can't just de bayer in PIPP, AutoStakkert etc like with other cams? With no filter I saw grid lines when taking AVI footage in RAW8 but using RGB24 this seemed to Debayer the footage automatically, but then left the image quite monochrome. I was impressed with the detail though. Sounds like I've got a lot to get my head around with this camera lol I'm guessing the issue might be that if you de-bayer for the grid pattern, it would mess up things above 850nm where effectively there isn't a Bayer matrix to be de-bayered........ if you get what I'm saying.
  2. Thinking about testing it, I'm curious. The 642 passes wavelengths from 642nm to 840nm and the 462 cam peaks at around 830 so it should still be super sensitive using the 642 filter. The 642 seems quite versatile because it would enhance daytime Lunar and generally improve contrast....And I got a glimpse at the 462's deep sky capability when I briefly pointed it at the core of Orion, and apparently the Pro planet 642 makes for a good budget Ha filter. What were your thoughts Neil?
  3. It's a tough one, I mean I'm sure both the 642 and 742 give good results. Looking at the QE graph, the 462mc seems to peak around 830nm so it should still be very sensitive with the 642. Hmm? I may have to buy both and do some testing.
  4. Ah thanks Dave! Thanks for the tip. I was looking at the Pro Planet filters and the 642 did look quite versatile. Good for H alpha as well according to the blurb
  5. There is that Neil, I'm glad it's got relatively fine pixels at 2.9um which helps with the resolution part at least
  6. After an initial comparison with it's predecessor the ASI 290mc (Not the 1290 as I keep calling it), I go for first light using the ASI462mc and the Heritage 150p. Trying to capture the ISS during 90% cloud with no experience turned out to be all too much, but I did see an interesting appearance on the Moon thanks to how the sun was shining on a crater!
  7. Thanks David, Hindsight hey. There I was fumbling around in the dark trying to find something that equated to a mirror lock, then I forgot all about the idea afterwards, so thanks for the reminder! It turns out mirror lock is on page 12 of the Custom menu
  8. This was a first light imaging test for my new 200p. Also I picked up a couple of very cheap DLSR's because DLSR's have the sensor set back 44mm and I wanted to fully test the focus range for the 200p. I also bought the Baader mk3 coma corrector and did some before and after corner tests with that, and genuinely had fun trying to image in high winds with a telescope that has quite a lot of surface area! lol I had lots of fun with this one and probably spent a bit too much money as I've also bought some goodies for guiding, but you only live once hey
  9. lol Oh it was loved, just from afar! It's hard to blame such a nice chap as Jeremy, so I'll just congratulate your self on an excellent purchase instead! I trust you'll tell us all about it once you've used it in anger, although I think it will be more like joy!
  10. Thanks Rob. The Skyliner has a different focal length, I think it's an f/6 so 1200mm instead of 1000mm, so it may behave a bit different to the 200p f/5 In terms of reaching focus, I'm not sure? A lower profile focuser will definitely help, and pushing the primary mirror up the tube a few mm with the primary mirror adjustment screws. Also once you have enough focus travel a focus mask will really help you nail the focus I need to do a quick vid on that at some point.
  11. Here's a quick test shot from the 200p using a stock Canon 40D and Baader coma corrector. In order to check out the star shapes I pointed the scope at M45 to get decent diffraction spikes. Just a very quick 10 second light frame because of the high winds but what do you think?
  12. I think it's fair to say you can rarely 100% accurately collimate you telescope with a laser collimator, but you can get pretty close.
  13. I think it's fair to say you can rarely 100% accurately collimate you telescope with a laser collimator, but you can get pretty close.
  14. Very good investigation vlaiv! There can't be many threads out there that discuss thicker vanes causing rainbow effect diff spikes? Looking at the sim, the thinner vanes would be less obtrusive to my eye purely because they're more uniform. What do people think?
  15. Love it! There's a lot going on there and it looks like an engineering feat to get it all inπŸ‘Œ I'm planning on buying or making a motor focuser, but might go the finder guider route
  16. Phew! Relieved I didn't give mis information in my video, thanks so much for digging this out! I read something saying pretty much the same years ago now and it made sense to me so I've always just accepted it.
  17. Cheers! That's very good to hear! I'm sure my old 150p was pretty good for imaging too. Maybe a bit of vignetting but you really need to take flats with most setups anyway Sounds like the coma corrector may help with reaching focus perhaps? Have you tried without?
  18. lol Thanks I really dropped the ball with that one hey I actually remember your SGL thread about the diff spikes! It was really memorable partly because you went to great lengths to try and solve the issue! I'm glad you finally got the bottom of it When I imaged with a 150p I can't say I noticed any unusual artefacts, but I still have an ancient image of the Rossette nebula circa 2012 taken with a 150p and Modded Canon 350D, so I'll dig that out and take a look. It could be that it's a specific thing to the 200p? I'll definitely investigate the stars produced by my 200p and see what the deal is. I think that would be interesting.
  19. Yeah I agree dual speed is definitely a nice have, I've witnessed this myself on the 130pds and 150pds. I think the single speed can be tinkered with to make it a bit smoother, but either a larger focus wheel or one of these might be better if not eventually upgrading the focuser: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/skywatcher-focusers/skywatcher-auto-focuser.html
  20. Thanks Rob! hehe the opposite for me πŸ˜„ When I opened it up I thought it was bigger than I remembered! I think it should be the perfect size for the obsy though and I really hope I get on with it well
  21. Thanks vlaiv! Darnit! I completely forgot about the secondary being a bit larger on the PDS version, and I didn't know the thickness of the spider vane didn't effect intensity of diffraction as always thought otherwise. I know now at least, cheers! Skywatcher must make them thin purely for increased contrast then EDIT: lol relieved I got one thing right πŸ€—
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