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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. I was thinking of 2mm - readily available on ebay. But yes, anything above a mm or so.
  2. I guess you don't need to stay the whole night - pack up before dawn. Wonder what they'd think of that.
  3. My current imaging rig is a 135mm lens and ASi1600 camera but my lens is the vintage Asahi Super Takumar f2.5 as used with film SLRs, a superb lens that works fine even at full aperture.
  4. Had the same with the passive cooler for my ASC! Mine was supposed to be delivered by 8pm but now it will be sometime in the next few days!!
  5. Increased temperature, increased extrusion for infill and reduced speed. OK so far. Total time looks like being about 6 hours so it will be running overnight unless it goes wrong before I go to bed. If it fails during the night sobeit. Using 2.85mm PLA of which I have plenty.
  6. Print has gone wrong A couple of layers past the solid infill the layer adhesion failed and the honeycomb became straight lines. I'll try again with higher extrusion temperature and rate and see if that fixes it or I might have to go over to PETG with it's better inter layer adhesion.
  7. Printing the thermal jacket in PLA using honeycomb infill with a solid layer every 10 layers to form closed air cells for thermal insulation. When this is finished I can rune the cooling test with this camera jacket and see how much better it is than the earlier version. This may not be as efficient as polystyrene foam but much easier to implement.
  8. Designed a printed thermal jacket for the camera with space for the USB plug and cable. This is either part of the casing or the outer casing could be separate, probably the former. I have not modelled the USB cable & plug but made space for it from measurements.
  9. I'm on Facebook and use several groups but don't like the format either. Need it to keep in touch though.
  10. Too low here too. May give it a go next year but not sure I can improve on my image from a few years ago. That latest image is lovely The earlier one is nice too but I agree that the center is a bit overblown.
  11. I haven't seen any of this with my ASI1600MM-Cool or any other ZWO camera I have.
  12. I'm on lots of Yahoo Groups too and have been helped by these groups a lot in the past. Sad news indeed!
  13. I need to lock my postbox - my goat can get into it and eat the post. Darn clever beast!!! Grrr...
  14. I think the 170 degrees applies to the diagonal. The minimum dimension is the height and even the width is less than the diagonal. With a circular image it's the smallest dimension that matters. Of course, you may not want all the image due to buildings and trees.
  15. No new posts. New post(s) where I have previously posted. New post(s) but I haven't yet posted in this thread.
  16. You don't need to click on any special link. When go go to a forum you can immediately see which threads have new posts and if you click on the thread you are taken directly to the first unread post. Whether this is default or whether you choose it in the options I don't remember but that's how I do it. The icon next to the thread title changes to show whether there are new posts and also if you have already posted in the thread. If there is one or more new post(s) this goes white (or light grey). Click on the icon to be taken to the first unread post. Here's a screenshot.
  17. I think we'll just have to agree to differ. I don't know but I suspect that the options are built into the software and not up to the Mods and Admins. You could try asking if that option could be provided.
  18. I don't know anyone who reads a book from back to front!! 🤣
  19. I find no difference in screen colours whether I use Windows 7, Linux Mint or Ubuntu Mate in RPi using Firefox on all platforms. As for reading posts I do do the same as Paul M and JamesF.
  20. Posts in reverse time order may be fine if you're continually reading but otherwise it makes more sense to me to read in the order they were posted. Sorry but that's the way I think.
  21. Nothing has changed here. White text on dark grey background. Easy to read.
  22. This is the lens I'm using :- All Sky Lens for QHY5-II and 1/2 Inch Cameras with ASI178 camera. Covers a full 180 degrees of sky (or trees etc.).
  23. Are you satisfied with your sky coverage?
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