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Everything posted by morimarty

  1. Still you made good by the filter mistake Kon as some nice details are on show. By the way we have all contaminated our filters at some time or other.😀👍
  2. That as come out really good Simon. I was out shooting Saturn at the same time and I'm having a nightmare trying to process it because of the thin high clouds causing a lot of noise in the image. You have controlled that aspect brilliantly with your Jupiter. well done mate.
  3. They are a lovely set of detailed captures Neil. You have processed and balanced them all uniformly to my eyes really good work.
  4. Thats a really good effort Stu. You can clearly see how the seeing as distorted the rings and the globe. But that said, If you can Hit some really good seeing I think we could be looking at something really special.
  5. They are beautiful images. Excellently processed.
  6. I could not disagree with you more Kon.They are Amazing shots.😄👍
  7. As said still good to be out Pete and fine tune your capture tools / imaging Rig etc. We know your C9.25 will deliver when the seeing is there.
  8. Thats a great capture Neil. Will be keeping a look out for this feature if I can get a clear sky that is.
  9. I think it is a excellent Saturn Neil. I really must give the 1.5x drizzle a go at some time and see if it can bring me anything new to the table.
  10. Lots of fine detail showing in the Jupiter image and the Mars image is very impressive aswell. Mars is very difficult to capture any significant detail at the moment due to it's small size and low altitude.
  11. Some stunning detail on show Neil. It as a beautiful natural look about it and I agree the more natural the processing the better the result can be.
  12. My first Mars of the season. C11 Asi 462c Adc Baader lum filter
  13. Your Saturn image is exceptional Neil. The orion 245mm as pulled out that little bit more resolution for you as you new it would. The cassini is clean and clearly visible at the front. The banding is very well defined and the colour is spot on too. Jupiter is looking very good aswell. Well done mate Top draw stuff.
  14. Jupiter and Mars are very difficult to image at the moment the low altitude and fast encroaching daylight see to that. You have actually captured some very good detail especially on Jupiter I'm loving the animation. Mars can only get better and better barring any unforseen dust storms. very well done.
  15. Thankyou Neil that is a lovely comment. That means alot to me especially coming from you who certainly knows a thing or two about planetary imaging.👍 Thanks also Sunshine. Pete. Simon. Kon. for your great comments and to everyone for ticking the like box.
  16. Saturn and my first capture of Jupiter this year the seeing was very good. I captured quite a few runs so lots still to go through. C11 Asi290mm baader rgb filters 2x barlow. Jupiter rgb original size. 800x600 ROI Saturn Rrgb original size 640x480 ROI
  17. Kon I truly am lost for words. Absolutely fantastic mate.
  18. I'll tell you Neil your stella lyra 8" is a gem of a scope without a doubt that Saturn image is your best to date (this year). Just look how clean and well defined the cassini ring is all the way to the front Thats some great resolution and brilliant processing.Your jupiter image as lots of fine detail too. At last we all had good seeing it seems. I am just going through my data now as I've been out with my granchildren to a local fete/fair all day but judging by the images posted so far from everybody there is a lot to live up to.
  19. Absolutley fantastic Simon they are a superb set of images. Isn't it great when we all get some good seeing at last. superb stuff.👍
  20. Thats a very respectable Image of Jupiter Simon loving how you captured ganymede right on the limb.
  21. Some amazing detail captured neil excellent stuff.
  22. Thats a lovely image of Saturn Neil. As Kon say's the colours in the bands are really striking especially as the seeing was yo - yo - ing.
  23. I am totally amazed Kon at the detail you are consistantly capturing (absolutely fantastic mate)
  24. Lovely images Kon. There is nice clean sharp banding showing on Saturn and the Jupiter image is displaying lots of fine detail too. I was in the same situation as Neil the skies cleared but stars twinkling alot here so decided to give it a miss .You certainly have taken to your Asi 462c great camera's👍
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