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Everything posted by StevieDvd

  1. Check what slew rate you have set for the movement, it may simply be too low try upping it to 9.
  2. The firmware names should give a clue. The AZ/EQ file has 'right-arm' in the name (scope on right facing forward), the other has 'standard' in the name (scope on left facing forward), You can test it indoors now.🙂 Set it up pointing roughly north and do a goto of something that would be above horizon such as Vega. If the scope points down then reset back to level & North & do the same with the scope on the other side.
  3. If you were polar aligned and everything was left in the same position then you are polar aligned. You are not aligned with polaris, that transits a small circle around the NCP. Then to repeat the alignment process it would again use polaris as a reference point (and need the date/time/location set correctly) would show you are still polar aligned. The 'not much off' value is often the base for visual sessions or short guided imaging.
  4. The Azimuth and Altitude control knobs are a must with an accurate polar alignment, whether that's using the finderscope or software. However, that does not do the alignment. Alignment, using the movement controls tells the mount where your scope is pointing, the more alignment stars used allows it to create a map of your mounts accuracy. For a quick visual session you could just do a rough PA visually and let the alignment process work out the errors - you'll get some drift of course. An imaging session without guiding needs the best PA you can muster, but guiding can help wih poor PA and longer exposures.
  5. I have yet to have another clean up session with the Lyra, I have enough other scopes to keep me busy. Mine is fitted with a moonlite focuser as I bought the Lyra without a focuser (closing down sale). Will wait until there is a sale of 'roundtoits' and then I'll get to the clean up operation. Steve
  6. There's a bit missing from the sun. Did you have your thumb over the end of the telescope?😆
  7. @Stephenstargazer For focusing you could use a similar magnification eyepiece and a parfocal ring. You could then 'match' the eyepice & camera device focus so they are interchangeable without re-focussing. To help this a bahtinov mask would let you get a pin sharp star in focus in the astrowl camera, then you'd adjust the parfocal ring on the eyepiece until it too was in sharp focus. That would be useful on any scope, though of course if you used a bahtinov mask for them too a parfocal eyepiece may not be needed. @Astrowl I may have missed it but what is the equivalent eyepiece to the Astrowl that would help people work out what they would see using the freely available field of view tools.
  8. It typically uses a mobile device (via wifi) to enter the settings and view/save images (as a secondary usage). That should mean a phone, tablet or laptop via a browser. Though I consider myself a techie - the hardware and wifi control I could do, but the software would be beyond me.🙃
  9. Based on the info above and on cloudynights. It's an Rpi4 based device and is powered by an external powerpack (see the images above). If this had been around when I tried video camera to PC demo (using a Samsung CCTV to integrate) to display an image it would have been heaven sent. I can see its usage for some but it's a niche market. It's selling point will be the software - not open source but locked in like ZWO have done. But in saying that the ZWO Asiair devices (also Rpi base) have done pretty well. And yes it would be targetted as the IT unexpert 😀 If it did polar alignment I would have asked to test it out in a heartbeat. Steve
  10. The original poster is having issues with their Skywatcher finderscope (which type we have yet to elicit).🤔
  11. Camera caught this. An orionid meteorite I think. orionid-meteor.mp4
  12. I had one and the only annoying thing I found was if you try to set it up to connect to your home network and type something in correctly you have to have it powered on and leave it alone for about an hour to reset to it's own wifi settings. That's documented (and the AZGTi does the same) but overall a good accessory. I don't have mine as I included it when I sold a mount to a friend and showed him the wifi dongle in action.
  13. Show us a pcture of your finderscope, adapter and camera. The SW finderscope is a mainstay for some so your problem may be a simple fix.
  14. I did not think it was going to be clear enough so I only managed to catch a few videos unguided. Not much use for stacking but here is one from 11:19 when the clouds allowed a glimpse:
  15. The camera should work with the SW finderscopes though they usually have a need for an adapter depending on whether they are the right-angle or straight through. With the right-angle you will need a C extension to make up the missing backspace. The straight through need the adapter screwed in quite far. Both of course are adjusted using the locking screw/turn objective to focus. Can be done during the day to get a rough focus and twaeked on a star when clouds permit.
  16. Malwarebytes have replied and said the site has no active threats and they will update their database so its not blocked. It's no longer reported as an issue after I updated Malwarebytes so they have amended their database as they said they would.
  17. Thanks, that's what I think but will see if I can report it to NINA/Malwarebytes. Steve
  18. That's the url that get's formed. I tried HTTP, HTTPS and blank. Hopefully, it's a simple SSL error and not a sign of a compromise. I'm googling to see if I can find it having been reported and marked as a minor SSL issue that can be bypassed.
  19. Is this the correct link nighttime-imaging.eu then? Malwarebytes is suggesting the above site is compromised.
  20. I was looking to install NINA on an Intel NUC but the web site returns an error "Error code: SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG" is this a known problem or something new? Dont want to blindly add an exception to access the site if this something new/wrong.
  21. Yep that's true - it's been a while since I sold my old SW tripods 🙄
  22. Is that fully tightened in your picture? If I recall correctly the tray has a simple hole and is not threaded. I'd check a few things: If you lay the tray on a flat suface is it warped (not that that is likely)? Without fitting the tray does the bottom knob turn freely & all the way on the threaded part? Do the legs all have the same amount of travel from the hub - one could be sticking or too tight.
  23. Yes it has a 12v car socket and would need a cable like this one from FLO.
  24. Don't buy it from here though, and that's not including delivery.😮
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