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Everything posted by dweller25

  1. Hello @M40 - I don’t want to hijack the OP’s thread, so a quick answer... I used the Dob OTA on a Vixen GPDX rated at 9kgs and it was fine, your HEQ5 is rated at 15kgs πŸ‘
  2. However, there is another slight variation you may want to consider...... I bought the Skywatcher 8” Dobsonian - which is F/6 making it a little kinder on eyepieces and easier to collimate - it’s a very capable scope for little outlay that allows you to dip your toes in the water visually. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/dobsonians/skywatcher-skyliner-200p-dobsonian.html Eventually I wanted tracking - which is great for both observing the planets and astrophotography so I took the handles and bearings off the OTA, bought some tube rings and a dovetail and it then fitted straight onto my equatorial mount. Voila 😁
  3. The 8” Newt on the EQ6 mount would cover all your requirements. The 10” Bresser on the EQ6 would be even better 😁
  4. @Sluke321 One thing to consider is that you are spending quite a bit of money for Starsense but the apertures being discussed are not going to show much detail. Perhaps It may be better to spend the money on a larger aperture scope that will show more detail ? Bare in mind that even with a 10” scope a lot of deep sky objects look like fuzzy patches visually. You will not SEE anything like the images you find in magazines.
  5. Hello Shel and welcome to SGL. Here is a beginners guide that may help..... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/beginner-telescopes.html Be aware that due to Covid telescopes are in short supply. Here is a link to a free planetarium program..... http://stellarium.org/ I would recommend this as it is very capable...... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/dobsonians/skywatcher-skyliner-150p-dobsonian.html Good luck PS Mars is in the southern sky at 8:30 for a while - easy naked eye object
  6. Hello and welcome to SGL. Here is a beginners guide that may help..... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/beginner-telescopes.html Be aware that due to Covid telescopes are in short supply. Here is a link to a free planetarium program..... http://stellarium.org/ I would recommend this as it is very capable...... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/dobsonians/skywatcher-skyliner-150p-dobsonian.html You can get apps for your phone that will guide you around the night sky. Good luck PS Mars is in the southern sky at 8:30PM for a while - easy naked eye object
  7. Thanks Mike but the emoji should have two eyes as I used a binoviewer 😊
  8. Hello @andrew s How’s it going with the M180 ? Would be interested in your Mars viewing feedback.....
  9. Good drawing Mark, I was out much earlier at 20:30 on the 6th Nov when Syrtis Major was on the other side of the planet
  10. Hello, Here is a drawing I did through a 4" F/8 refractor, seeing was poor and the drawing took 30 minutes to do with detail levels constantly changing. Started drawing at 20:30 at x217 The disk is starting to look smaller now and the south polar ice cap is tiny. Syrtis Major was the main feature on the following side of Mars with the light coloured Hellas region just below it. Dew on the preceding limb was evident as was a small amount at the north pole.
  11. Set up the FS128 at 17:00 to observe Mars in totally clear skies 😁😁😁 Went out at 18:15 and detail was VERY good but unsteady so came back in for a coffee whilst Mars climbed higher. Back out at 19:30:and the view was rubbish 😒 low contrast and fuzzy, nowhere near as much detail as earlier. Then the clouds rolled over and it rained 😠 Oh well, theres always another night.........
  12. Well done chaps, I was clouded out - again πŸ₯΄
  13. That’s good John, you should do more.....
  14. The Heritage will give you portability. The Skyliner will give you a slightly more performance. What suits you ?
  15. Great sketch and you still have the same scope πŸ‘
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