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well im very new to all this

howdy every one, this is day one of my official interest to the sights and well every thing up there i 'd like to purchase a telecope prefarbly under the following guidlines portable, under 150 notes and well thats my criteria i can drive so its just a case of transporting it from the car to the field?? i have done the obvious amazon route and the Celestron Astromaster 130EQ has caught my attention, it does look big tho any suggestions,



Celestron CG5 ASGT - All Star Polar Alignment

CG5 All Star Software Polar Alignment I have always used a Polar Scope to set up equatorial mounts for imaging. When I heard about Software Assisted Polar Alignment I was skeptical. I was skeptical because during star alignment I have often found alignment stars to be fairly off centre and occasionally outside the field of view. However this was happening with my C8 partly due to having to rotate the 2" Diagonal every time the OTA moved to a new star. When I rotated the Diagonal, the sta



Required Kit for Orion Nebula Photos

Hello, Finally ordered a heq5 syntrek and 200pds, 2mths in waiting and cant wait. Whilst waiting managed to mod my Phillips webcam for LX and amp off, make a cable so I can control mount with laptop(stellarium)and my best friend ever has gave me a good deal on a canon 10d. Also have a x3 barlow(x2 on the way)the standard 25 wide angle lens, a 10mm and 5mm plossl. Im eventually going to mod the finderscope to receive the webcam for tracking but thats in near future. Anyhow, my first point of targ



revelation eye piece kit

Well i splashed out on some new lenses, the revelation eye piece kit £127 from FLO, and a Cheshire collimator, and a sky watcher light pollution filter. Over all the lens seem well made an finished nice, had a quick go last night with them, the 9mm with Barlow rams up magnification but very hard to get good focus , and contrast very dim. The 32mm sliding barrel projection camera job fits Pliedies in well. Not quite worked out yet what you do with this . Probably the word camera is the operative

mr saddo

mr saddo

heritage collimation woes

Hi,all been trying to collimate the heritage 130p what a night mare, i bought a cheshire collimator!, i used it other day to collimate the scope but....... few things you need to be aware of with a cheshire, 1. there`s a lot of play in the tube when put in the eye piece slot few turns of sellotape soon sorted that out has someone else had the same problem on here. 2 you need it a fair way out to centre the secondary mirror so you can see the mirror mount. 3 when you put it fully down to stop en

mr saddo

mr saddo

Let the Flocking begin

Hi to all well my order came from the states (usa)this morning after 18 days and its not the make every one is after,,and a think i ordered to much the roll is 5 meters by 650mm i did not understand there crazy website but any way it worked out at around 98 pound a was gobb smacked any way.let the panic begin the only thing i am scared to do is take in the spider out just incase a do noy get it back in the same place as it was before,s a may just flock of the tube and to the left of the ep and



AOSX progresses with USB plugins...

After an uneventful week, a few days of clear nights - I'm dodging tonight's clear night (possible cold ahead of a job interview).. AOSX is now start taking the plugin of USB devices again after the refactoring. It's slow.. but I'm getting there! Unfortunately with the interview looming the next few nights will be revision nights. :/ However this weekend seems like a good shot to get more done :D



Advice please

Hi all, New on here - looks like a great forum. A question for you all - all advice welcome. I have just sold my Meade LX-10 SCT, which I had for about 10 years. Great scope in its own way but now I want to step up. My aspirations are to have a scope which meets the folowing criteria: 1.Great for DSO and good for planetary/lunar observing. 2.Suitable for astrophotography (definitely an aspiration at the moment). 3.Portable 4.Great optics and as much aperture as possible. I have done a fair bit o




Nothing much technical to report from Saturdays imaging session.. alignment is going to have to get better, but that's all. Lots of imaging: M42, M1, something as yet to be identified which was supposed to be M81 but wasn't , M82, M51. However with the counterweight all black it's not terribly visable.... Not terribly visable as in: bang ouch! :mad:, cut knee through jeans... why do voices carry so much at night? What was perhaps more impressive was that the scope never lost track!..:D 1



gotoing an original Vixen Skysensor

:icon_confused:Hi all: I`m wondering if anyone is using an original Vixen Skysensor on their mount? I`m presently using one and am wondering if anyone was able to modify it to operate with ASCOM or any other modern programs. Its vintage late 80`s and was only programable using BASIC. I`m pretty sure it can be done but i`m not computer savy enough to do it. It still operates stand alone but I`d like to interface it for modern computer technology.



Saturn 26,2,2011 and video

Hi all well the 26th was a great clear night my meisser score went up vastly,m81,m82,m101,m36,m37,m38,,m35 and many more which a did not write down heres the link to my test video and before ya say a no its not brill but am still learning the focus andsettings on sharp cap a will get there in the end and a 12"dob with no auto track is a tad hard



Bins have arrived

This morning my Revelation 15x70 bins arrived from FLO - have to say I am so excited. Now all I need are clear skies.



My SGL-posted deep sky images

Here is a list of all my deep sky images posted to SGL from the very first DSO to my latest image: http://stargazerslounge.com/search.php?searchid=1443622



The Eyeball in the Sky

:mad:Actually, it should be titled 'The Blind Eyeball in the Sky'....Yesterday I upgraded the standard focuser on my SW 10" Dob with a Revelation Two speed Crayford focuser. It was quite a scary thing for me because I'm not a mechanically minded guy, and because of that, I quite often can't see logical solutions to mechanical problems. That's what comes with spending half a life time as a 'people' worker..a detached youth worker actually. Anyway, after much dithering and thoughts of not doing it



My CCD journey

Well, I've never done one of these before, so could be a disaster ... not that that has ever stopped me trying anything before:). Just starting with my first 'proper' ccd camera, so thought keeping a record of my experiences might be interesting, maybe even helpful to someone else embarking on the same journey. So, after the appalling conditions we have had for most of this month, I finally got out to give it an initial test run last night (24/02/11). Started off having problems getting my 102



Current Setup for Imaging

This is what I have and how I use it GP-DX with SS2K-PC connected by RS232 to a Lindy USB converter 42856, onto a 6-way Belkin USB hub then to a 5m USB extension cable. Autoguided via Shoestring Astronomy's adaptor connected to USB hub. I use an off-axis guider with a Imaging Source DFK21AS cam connected to a FW extension cable Canon EOS-350D is connected for pictures/control via USB, and GPUSB for long exposures from Shoestring astronomy. Power comes from a 12V adaptor or internal battery. Dew



spc900 web cam learning curves

Hi to all,well last night was a steep learning curve with the web cam spc900 and settings the clouds and the wind.well around 18:00 stuck the scope out side it was real clear we had are tea and went out about 19:00.as normal the clouds were back and we set the laptop and cam up.then total cloud cover till about 22:15,so back out again Polaris was the only thing a could see so I tried to get the settings some were close a was led to beleave of morgans that the web cam would act like a 15mm




Just had a great sighting of Jupiter :) Still learning my way around the night sky.




My NEQ6 Pro (EQ6 SynScan) arrived today. I spent the entire evening playing with it and setting up the polar scope.. The controller is whizzy and easy to use.. however at the back of the manual are the RS232 protocol commands :D (much joy and merriment!) Also, it seems SW wish users to interface through the SynScan using PC Direct mode as they supply an RS232 cable for the SynScan that will plug into a USB<->RS232 cable. It seems this doesn't have the 12V lines that the mount D9 connector



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