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Calling all imagers, today is the day, please submit a photo of the sun


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Hi Robin ,

Hope things go well today , seeing was atrocious here first thing but seem to be improving a little now so hopefully you'll get a good session in ... :laugh:

Today's effort from sunny Suffolk .


1000D + ED80Pro + ND3.8 + 1.8 x Barlow + OIII , 1/640s @ ISO 200 , 26/300 , Reg 5.1 , Gimp 2.8.

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Today's Sun in poor seeing - image boiling all over the place! - 128 frames taken and this is 54 of them stacked. 120mm Refractor and Canon 1100D camera. You get three for the price of one - The first is the stacked image given a false orange colour, the second has the Active Area numbers and the third shows a grid of Solar longitude and latitude. Hope this helps you!




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Thanks everyone, the pictures for different places went down really well. We had quite a lot of sunny spells, and over a 3 hour period everyone saw the sun in both white light and Ha, the prom and area around the eastern sunspot was really clear. It was quite windy and my gazebo nearly went flying, but the rain stayed off and the times of total cloud cover were few and short lived.

Most people were quite content to look at the scopes if there was no picture on the screen and we had white light on a monitor and Ha on the big lap top at the same time. I also had two display boards with photos and a couple of magazine articles as well as my orrery and that generated a lot of interest.

I had no spare time for actually imaging, so although IC Capture was running on both white light and Ha I didn't press the record button once. I even had to rely on my colleague, Dom, to snap a few shots of the set up on his camera, I will post later.

All in all a very successful day.


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Congrats, Robin, that's fantastic that everyone got to have a look at both types of light. It was fun here trying to rush out some images after a late start thanks to Mr and Mrs Cloud. I was losing hope of any imaging for today!

The sun really is an amazing object and no doubt some folks from today will remember their views for years. Well done :)

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Well done Robin. I'm glad it worked out so well for you. I wish I could have gotten better images for you, but it was a funny old day for imaging. I did 3 different mosaics between 11.30 and 12 noon, and tried processing them for 4 hrs, but could not get a decent full disc from any of them.

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Fantastic effort Allan under the conditions, a beautiful fiery look to them, I really enjoyed seeing them. My H-a shot was actually a full disc single tile and I had to chop off problem parts, so I couldn't even full disc a full disc shot :grin:

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Some spectacular photos from around the UK, thanks everyone. I didn't get chance to capture the sun but Dom captured the stand at the village show. The yellow scope is my ST-80 with Baader solar film and DFK31, note the solar film on the finder too. The White and Red scope is my Lunt 60 Double stack on an EQ6. Both scopes had their own laptop and in the case of the white light I used a monitor as the screen is a little small. A large battery and inverter powered everything, but to avoid too many cables the mounts had their own 12V battery.

It was a lot of kit to set up and my friend Dom did sterling work helping to get everything working and chatting to the crowds.



Yours truly in the blue check shirt.


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  • 2 weeks later...

An absolutely fantastic thread, so lovely to see such a variety of solar images all in one thread. Of course, well done Robin!! what an excellent display and solar outreach, if I could find the little icon things I would give you 3 bows :)


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Thanks Michael, as luck would have it we had lots of sun at the event and it was interesting to show pictures from other parts of the country, but it could have easily been different. 

Thanks Alexandra, we had a great day, the village show committee are already talking about booking me next year and I can see the village asking me to do a night time session as well.


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