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now the learning curve starts, new scope obtained

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hi people,

As you may or may not know i have been looking at buying a new scope for sometime and a couple of nights ago the fateful moment happened after i see the damien on this forum had put up his setup for sale it was a sw 200pds with heq5 pro mount with synscan,collimating eyepiece, genuine ortho 7mm ep and a 2" 28mm ep (never seen a 2" ep before and man its big).

Anyway on friday i gave damien a call and the deal was made and 8:30am saturday morning off we went to pick it up got to damiens house and walked into the room and the sight took my breath away what a beast this scope is well impressed.

Damien was kind enough to run through a few things for us and showed us how it all worked and then i got the scope home and set it all up again which didnt take me long to do the initial setting up but now i just need to learn how to use the scope and mount to it full potential and i will not be beaten and look forward to many happy years using this set up.

Just another thank you to damien you are a top bloke and hope things start to look up for you soon.

Here is a pic of me with my new scope....:)


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Congrats :) It's amazing how much you feel like a complete beginner with a new mount and scope - too many things to twiddle and get comfortable with!

Ps.. hugging the scope may help with dew prevention (in case the jelious other half asks!!).

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cheers nickk,

Just got two question..

1)what are the hole on the dust cap for (you know you got the big cap plus 2 smaller holes one with a removable dust cap)?

2) I cant keep my scope set up on the mount so how do you people store your OTA's i.e in a cupboard on one of it ends?

Anyway the mounts is all set up and awaiting for the OTA and clear skies .


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