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I got something


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new... after much hmming, ahhing, arrghhingg, hair pulling etc, I decided to go for this... The weight puts it about right on the mount, with the bits for focus, it's the same length as the 80ED, so should be fine for weight, balance and not much worse for the wind profile. My guiding tests have always been done for 20 minutes at 1200mm, so reckon I'm good withthis too.


I'm hoping this will help me get better Lunar/Planetary and brighter (globs etc) deep sky objects... A bit of added flexibility that the 80ED just doesn't give me.

With the camera attached



and a poor shot next to the guide scope


Problem is, it's been here for what seems like weeks and today is the first sign of anything other than cloud, cloud and more cloud. I'm really hoping to get a chance to test it out tonight.

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Nice one John

I have been doing the the same erming and arring as you but more so as I have resisted the urge to get one of these scopes ;)

to be honest I do not how I have managed

Please let the gods of the clouds open a window of opportunity for you so you may report back and let me take the plunge :p:D


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Well... if it helps any Steve... it feels really solid and well built, and once I'd worked out exactly how small the movements on the collimation screws needed to be, and the correct directions to turn them, collimation was a doddle. It's also barely longer than an ST80, although with the tubes for focus in place, it's about as long as the C80ED.

Me too Rob... me too... ;)

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