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Wobbly scope assistance required

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I have a skywatcher explorer 130p which all works fine except for the shaking. I have ensured all major connecting screws are firmly tightened without risking over tightening them.

Despite this even an attempt to refocuses slightly causes the scope to wobble. This of of course only minor but when looking at say Jupiter and trying to get fine focus it broker impossible, have to adjust wait ten seconds look without even touching scope and then refocuses, by the time you get close repositioning is required and the whole process starts again. It is proving to be very frustrating and any advise on what I may be missing would be greatly appreciated.


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On a related note, the focusing tube (no idea what it's actually called -- the bit with the rack on that moves backwards and forwards when the focusing knob is turned) on my ST80 wobbles slightly when I start to change the direction of movement of the knob.

Is this fixable? I notice there are two what appear to be grub screws along the line of the scope body on the opposite side to the focusing knob. Do they need to be adjusted to stop the wobble, or are they for something else?

I might pinch the idea of hanging a weight from the centre of the tripod. I'm sure I have a few kg of grandfather clock pendulum weight lying about somewhere that ought to be easy to set up. Or there are some free weights buried in the cellar somewhere...



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Thanks 10 kg weight ready, sits on tray nicely. I am also going to spike legs into soil rather than on concrete, if that fails will wait for next purchase as that will include a better mount. Just need to find next purchase but looking at a few k so would hope it ticks all the boxes......

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Hi Patrick

Upgrading the mount is always going to be the best and long term solution but this can be expensive and should funds be tight there is another option of an auto focuser Misc’ - SkyWatcher Auto Focuser this allows you to focus with out actual physical contact of the focuser causing any flexing to the tube.The auto focuser will fit either R&P or Crayford focuser's. I am assuming you have a R&P focuser and this is why your experiencing problems but Mallorcasaint isn't ??? R&P focuser's gain the larger advantages of using the AF as R&P don't tend to be as smooth as the newer crayford type. Either way the advantage of using one will reduce your vibration problem to a minimum.

Hope this helps.


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