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Do you keep secrets?


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I just called my OH half out to take a look at Jupiter. Not awfully interested actually but then I had this comment.

Don´t really see what interests you, you must have spent 400 quid on all this.

Does your OH know how much you spend? Or is ingnorance bliss?


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I just called my OH half out to take a look at Jupiter. Not awfully interested actually but then I had this comment.

Don´t really see what interests you, you must have spent 400 quid on all this.

Does your OH know how much you spend? Or is ingnorance bliss?


Think you should get a divorce and find someone more sympathetic to your hobby :)

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I just called my OH half out to take a look at Jupiter. Not awfully interested actually but then I had this comment.

Don´t really see what interests you, you must have spent 400 quid on all this.

Does your OH know how much you spend? Or is ingnorance bliss?


My OH knows because we agreed that whatever I spent on a scope she could have the same to spend as she saw fit so £300 she got and I bought a new SW 200pds with EQ5 pro (ssshhhhhhhuuuussshhhhh)

what they dont know and all that :):D:D


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I frequently get customers in the shop that buy bins/scopes and don't tell their wives (it's usually wives) how much they've spent. Occasionally there are those who say they wish they could buy a pair of Swarovski/Leica but their wife would go mad. Then I had the chap who wanted two receipts, one for the proper amount for the warranty application and one for an amount considerably less that he would let his wife see.

My colleague and I, having wives that are not critical of our expenditure, look at each other in amusement and sometimes lift the odd eyebrow across the shop.

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My OH and me always have a meeting on expensive purchases - we run the household budget like a business. So if one or other of us wants something expensive we have a sit-down meeting and discuss it. The one wanting to buy is expected to be able to justify it, explain its lifetime costs, what it could be sold for should the need arise, whay they want it and why they cant use what they already have.

Beyond that we have an agreement that £35 each per month does not need justification but can be bought ad-hoc.

I have recently though been a bit out of line - there has been a stram of bargains and I have had to be very persuasive but if I snuff it dont expect any bargains because OH knows exactly the price of things - its spreadsheeted, on a manifest, is calculated to its last decimal point :)

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