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First Jupiter with SPC900NC

Mark H

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Here are my first images of Jupiter with the Phillips SPC900NC, The CCD is a lot more sensitive than the CMOS Trust webcam I had been using, I imaged using a 2x barlow, then a 5x barlow, and then tried to get the Galilean moons overexposing Jupiter.

All Stacked in Registax, curves applied in PSP:




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Here are my first images of Jupiter with the Phillips SPC900NC, The CCD is a lot more sensitive than the CMOS Trust webcam I had been using, I imaged using a 2x barlow, then a 5x barlow, and then tried to get the Galilean moons overexposing Jupiter.

All Stacked in Registax, curves applied in PSP:

i have the problem which you shown in the 3rd image a white blob,

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Very nice images with good colour. I tried Jupiter the other night using my spc880(Flashed) and all I got was a white blob which I now know was overexposed from reading your post. What settings were you using on the camera? I can then use them as a starting point.


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