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Lucky escape


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So there I was leaning out of the kitchen back stable door, smoking a fag and chatting to my Uncle about scopes the weather and collimation, looking at the sky hoping that my setting up of the scope this evening was not going to be in complete vain, while all the time keeping my eye skyward in hope of a break in the cloud, that according to the Met Office, was not meant to be there.

We chatted for about an hour and decided it was time for us both to pack away our respective astro gear as there was no sign of improvement.

Well, I hung up the phone and put the kettle on to boil while I packed away. I walked to the back door where I had been just a moment ago, to go outside, and as I put on the outside light I noticed that the patio floor was wet…Oh no, I exclaimed, it has been raining?

But I have just spent the last hour with my head out of the house, but it had been raining and yes my scope was out in it while I was oblivious to this misfortune while only inches away from the scene.

Here is the lucky bit, I had the scope at a bout a 45 degree angle and it was donned with it’s Dew shield, which is its self flocked, which was a very lucky thing. I checked down the tube and the primary was untouched…phew, I guess the flocking has caught all the rain.

I have yet to make sure that the motor drives are as unscathed, but I am crossing my fingers.

I am not sure I am going to let that happen again.

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Good luck with those motors. The only advice I can offer is the old cup of coffee spilled on laptop. Leave it for a week to dry out, then try...

I'm in a built up area and hate the thought of bits of firework going down the tube...

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Yes good luck with those motors, hope all works out ok. I alway cover my mount and scope ( only with a black sack so its not to heavy ) if I am going to leave it for a few min's..... I always think I am going to find that some bird has got a good aim...if you get my drift!!!

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I am not sure I am going to let that happen again.

But you're not entirely sure? :)

I'm quite sure it will happen again. Happens to me on a fairly regular basis - one otherwise good night had 7 showers, one of which fell from what appeared to be a completely cloudless sky. My equipment has yet to suffer any permanent effects.

Always have a tarpaulin ready to throw over the gear if a shower starts. Use it to cover the gear if you take a break or go inside waiting for the cloud to clear.

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Good luck with those motors. The only advice I can offer is the old cup of coffee spilled on laptop. Leave it for a week to dry out, then try...

I'm in a built up area and hate the thought of bits of firework going down the tube...

If you have an unfortunate accident and spill coffee over your lap top, I recommend you strip it and clean or have it done by experts sooner than later, coffee is corrosive, as I learned when my office phone gave up the ghost some 15 months after I had such an incident, coffee can damage board and components, was the advice given by the service engineer.

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