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BBC 2 now Astronomy Theory

Polar Bear

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Watching those scientists talk about all their theories and how they can explain them makes me realise that there's a whole class of people operating on a completely different level to me.

I have trouble reconciling how far away the Andromeda galaxy is......

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That was a really good show and it asked really the one question that I have always asked, 'What was before the big bang?'. I don't know but the BBT just never sat as being totally complete with me(not that I have the capacity to work these things out myself). The whole something comes from nothing has always seemed ludicrous as as does cosmology as a whole sometimes(and I don't mean that in a bad way), when we can't even truly comprehend what nothing is.

But there were some interesting theories with string and M theory being possibly the closest to working towards the next step of understanding.

What bothers me as I am sure it bothers cosmologists too is that this seems like the eternal question. Once you have worked out what causes one thing then you have to work out what created that, and then what created that and so on..... It just goes round and round in circles and truly shows how far off of true understanding we really are.

I feel that if we could ever manage to truly understand 'nothing' and 'infinity' we may be on the right path. Because as of now we can label nothing/infinity but I don't believe we can truly comprehend it.

Anyway, 'twas a good show.:(

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Well true enough, I guess the point is that BBT has generally been accepted as the creation point for quite some time and now it appears it may only be as significant as the Earth is to our own universe. The BB may just be a tiny player in a much wider enviroment.

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I did like the concept of "nothing" not being "nothing" but "something without any stuff in it". The old story of time not existing before TBB so theoretically there couldn't be anything "before" TBB doesn't wash anymore!


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It was a good one, at last Horizon has gone back to "as it was" and not the dumbed down rubbish they produced for far too long IMO.

I must agree there, though they do like to put a few arty shots in though still, I got the analogy of unlocking the wooden puzzle early on, no need to keep it going throughout the show, though Sir Roger Penrose has an interesting take on it, throw away the bits that didn't seem to fit!


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I must agree there, though they do like to put a few arty shots in though still, I got the analogy of unlocking the wooden puzzle early on, no need to keep it going throughout the show, though Sir Roger Penrose has an interesting take on it, throw away the bits that didn't seem to fit!


Agreed too much puzzle but Sir Prof P had the right idea, but the program is an order of magnitude better than before, I gave up Horizon for many years, half baked, over use of graphics, dumb rubbish.... but now :(...long may it last.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but did the programme at one point claim that most researchers don't believe in the big bang any more? Is that true, because I'm not sure it sounds true. (Or was it that they now believe there was something before the big bang).

I found the continuous inflation theory quite interesting, as it might explain the acceleration of the expansion of the Universe (which I don't remember the programme addressing).

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There was one thing that I didn't like about the programme...

They had a 2 minute slot for Dr. Laura Mersini-Houghton whose "string" theory...theory did address 3 observations that were seemingly random, which was mentioned, fit in with her view on a Pre Big Bang....

Wonder why that was?

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