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Secondary Dew control (revelation scope)

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Got up nice and early to look at Saturn, only to be thwarted by the secondary mirror!!!

The mirror is glued to a barrel the same diameter and cut as the mirror, so there is no back of the mirror to attach a ring of resistors to (as I did with my Skywatcher).

Any thoughts on how or what I can use to keep my secondary sparkling???

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I use a 12v hair dryer! works a treat. orion f6.3

Where did you get one from?

I have been quite fortunate as the last few night my scope has resisted the Dew well but I know this willnot always be the case.



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Astro Engineering market one that sells for £24.99 (less SGL discount :))

Its a 13amp 12V warm air gun with cigar lighter plug fitting and an auxiliary cigar lighter socket with crocodile leads for attachment to a car battery. (Be careful though - in continuous use, it can drain a car battery within a couple of hours!)

I'll add it to FLO's website and update this post with a link later today.

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If it does'nt happen often you can use the hair dryer method, if it's a more common problem you can attach resistors to the back of the secondary. If you cant do that then use a heating element in the hollow barrel of the secondary holder. You can run a thin cable across one of the vanes, or if you are clever you can use the vanes themselves to carry the current.

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I've had this problem the last couple of times out with my 14", given my inate fear of electronics I'm going to go with the dew shield solution before I try anything else.

Daz, wern't you working on a heater for your secondary last year?

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Yes mate, and it worked, but the Skywatcher secondary is fixed with space on the back of the mirror to attach a little resistor ring.

The revelation's barrel is the full width of the mirror - there is no 'back' to the mirror.

I need to take it off (TUBE FACING DOWN!!!!!!) to get a proper idea of what might work....

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