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why so expensive?


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I think more of a cult item really.

The sort of cult that kidnaps you off the street, hypnotises and converts you to a religion that worships the mighty deity of airhead and forces you to give up all your worldly goods at that price!

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I was a birder in a former life and people used to speak of these in almost hushed voices. I am sure they must be optically very good (surely???) but they look fiddly to work with, especially for terrestrial use and astronomically, I cannot see them outperforming eg an 8" SCT which you could probably get for the same sort of money.

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A small few passed through my hands when I was in business, they are of very high mechanical and optical quality and for many years there was no competition in that field hence the high price. The Meade ETX 90 was based on the same general format but at an affordable price. I was able to compare my good ETX 90 with a friends Questar and quite frankly I preferred the image of Jupiter in the Meade. The Questar did seem to have a slightly brighter image, probably due to superior baffling and stood very high powers better. If you own a good ETX 90, no need to be envious of a Questar owner!

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