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Best and worst!?

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Worst I bought was the small off-axis guider from Meade. Almost totally worthless. The guide star prism was too small to actually catch starlight and it wasn't adjustable so I could hunt around for some. The guide EP holder was not parfocal with the camera end, so I couldn't get focus. whine, whine, whine, money down the drain.

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One of my best was a Celestron mini torch keyring. Had a red removable cap on the end so was a choice of both red AND white light. It activated by sqeezing the plastic body - indeed one night late at work sat awaiting the van ride home I noticed a red light shining through my work trousers in the area of my pocket. So when the battery ran out after only two weeks I realised that it was probly ALSO one of my worst :)

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My best is the metal gizmo that screws onto my Nikon 5400 lens

and allows the camera to sit firmly in the scopes focuser.

Worst is Redshift 5 software.

Not that it's bad as such but a few of it's tools are so awkward to

use that it annoys the heck out of me...

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Best? A scopetronix barlow 3x for 48 euro. Very low price, very good views. Somehow it always gives tremenduous views with my pan 19, like thismorning M42. Boy what a sight in the OO.

Worst? So far not really non. Am i lucky?

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Well, one of the most useful was the 11" (or so) Planisphere that I got about 6 years ago. Really like both my red dot finder and my 7x50 RA finder. Worst? Well, if I had bought the tripod and mount that came with my Meade 4.5" separately, they would qualify. I didn't realize how bad they were until I got my EQ3-2.

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Best was the packaged 200mm f/5 Skywatcher with HEQ5 Skyscan. Nothing else comes close for value for money.

Worst was probably the Stiletto focusing aid for the DSLR. Me and it don't see eye to eye at all, however it works quite well so I think that I haven't bought any carp astro gear other than deciding to live where I do.

Captain Chaos

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Mmmm Best by far was the 8' Skywatcher and HEQ5 Mount simply the best value for Mount and App.. :) :) :)

Worst was a 6' Dob (Orion) Orion normally make fantastic scopes but this one must of been built by blind pixels on Acid Awful best thing about it was that it vanished after 3 or 4 days somewere else! :) :) :)

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The best piece of astro kit i brought was my ED80, i love it to bits. Small enough to be portable and chunky enough to be rugged and not mind being thrown around a bit.

My worst astro purchase was my house! Cost me an arm and a leg and sits near a city center and the M6 motorway! LP galour

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Having not purchased much astro gear as yet, I can honstly say that I don't regret buying the Skywatcher Explorer 200 on the EQ5 mount. Even though I have only had the chance to use it the once, its a fantasic piece of kit for the money.

As for buying anything thats, well shall we say useless, I'm sure that with the help of you guys, I won't be going down that road. :)


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Yeah, skywatcher is very good for the money. Mine i bought performed without a glitch. Still does after almost 3 years....

The Tal barlow?? I have a 2x. For the price not bad. Very contrasty for deespky. For planets...rather not, too short design, you can't beat the law of optics. My TV2 gives sharper views. I bought the Tal for stacking with my TV2 for the planets. Didn't work out ...now it remains unused in my ep box.

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