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Twins whoo hooo

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There ya go been to Berns today , Modern Astronomy , to pick up another EQ6 and the LXD 75 10 incher, spent a few hours ther with Bern showing me a few things , another learning curve to go through now , the scope and mount are very heavy , to much to lift on its own , so looks like a little house to set it up Perm , after i got home i done the minor business of setting the recticle up ets etc already for Polar alignment when i,m ready to take it out, be a while yet , but meanwhile here is a pic of the twins , will do a review when i,m up and ready , be a while though ,dont want to rush this ,



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yes he did the biz one last in the country as well so was lucky , i think they are now about £350 THE NEW MODEL , this one cost £299 , but its a great bit of kit , smooth and nice to have an elec focussre as well , collimation is a dream to do i done it myself in about 2 mins ,thats with the celestron laser , makes life a lot easier as well . i will put the scope through its paces as soon as i can , just to make sure everything is ok , then have to build a little house for it .


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