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ED80 vs ST120

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I have recently purchased an ST120 to compare it against my ED80. I am hopeing that the increased aperture will allow better views of DSO's compared to my ED80. I love the ED80 but for some of the DSO's i'm viewing i feel it needs just that little bit more aperture. The CA of the ST120 is quite high but i dont intend to use it as a planetary scope so thats not too much of an issue. The ST120 has the same focal length as the ED80 so it's nice to be able to compare the same eyepieces with the same magnifiaction etc

My alterior motive also is I intend at some point to purchase a 5" f/5 APO (if i can find one for the right price) so this is a good test of the portability of the scope and how i find setting it up etc. For £100 inc delivery though (second hand) I think this is a bargain really and i hope to make good use of this one. If it's naff though it can go back on astro buy/sell hehe

I had hoped to do a first light test tonight but even though it was completly clear when i setup by the time i came to actually look through the scope a mist had decended and scuppered me! The new equipment curse strikes again!!

I'll do a report of my ED80 vs ST120 when i get a clear night.


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My alterior motive also is I intend at some point to purchase a 5" f/5 APO (if i can find one for the right price) so this is a good test of the portability of the scope and how i find setting it up etc.

Sounds like your ambitions are the same as mine Gordon - would an ED120 be on your short list or would you be looking for something more exotic ?.


North Somerset

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The syntaglue rack and pinion is quite stiff and clunky

I have one of these on my ED80 i did find by Re Greasing the focusser and using the Focusser locking screw just touching the Focus tube helped (Maybe worth a try before you fork out for a Crawford for the ST120?)


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I've owned both scopes and they really are "apples and oranges". The ST120 wins on deepsky (by a large margin) and the ED80 wins easily on lunar/planetary.

The better optics of the ED80 can't make up the aperture on DSOs and the ST120 is too colourful on planets to beat the ED80.

Two nice complimentary scopes to own Gordon. :rolleyes:

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I agree with Gaz, they really do compliment each other nicely. I've owned both (that's my ED80 in the picture) and have fond memories of both.

The ED120 is currently the only scope i would consider swapping the ED100 for. But it would have to be at a bargain price mind.


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The White scope is Rus's ED80 that i stripped and repainted with white enamel. I would consider the ED120, but only if the price was right. I certainly would consider one if second hand they were around the £500-£800 mark. Although for just a little bit more theres the ZS110, and now AT are making a ZS110 clone which is bound to be cheaper. I think in the next 12 months there will be a lot happening in the 5" APO market as prices fall and people buy more and more of these scopes.

I think a 5" f/5 APO is an ideal instrument that balances portability and quality optics. Its if someone can make one that doesn't cost £1000's

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I've not touched the 'scope since yesterday not had the time. I will have a play though and regrease the rack and pinion as this is free. I'll keep my eye on astro buy/sell and see what comes up, ideally I would like another 2 speed WO the same as i have on the ED80 but these are £170 new and worth more than the scope hehe. I might go for the baader one instead as it's much cheaper and still quite nice. Again though, still worth nearly as much as the scope!

If the scope is worth keeping (once i've managed a decent first light and a good few sessions with it), i'll strip it down and re-spray it white like my ED80. Not sure it's worth the effort at the moment though.

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a grand for a 5" APO is pretty good. But more than im willing to pay at the moment. Plus i'de STILL want to change the focuser!!

Is this the sort of thing you are after Gordon ?


Somehow I don't think these run at under a grand !! - I'd love to have a look through a Pentax ED125 though.


PS: Just looked the cost of these up - 9,600 Euro's from Telescope Service !!

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I've not touched the 'scope since yesterday not had the time. I will have a play though and regrease the rack and pinion as this is free. I'll keep my eye on astro buy/sell and see what comes up, ideally I would like another 2 speed WO the same as i have on the ED80 but these are £170 new and worth more than the scope hehe. I might go for the baader one instead as it's much cheaper and still quite nice. Again though, still worth nearly as much as the scope!


Why not look for a Synta Crayford that someone has stripped off an ED80 or ED100? Other than they don't rotate, they are pretty much as good as you would want.

Or get the Antares jobby from Scopes'n'skies. They always have one in their bargain basement for £45 delivered (+10% off). You'll just need an adapter ring which you can get from Scopestuff for £16 delivered.

Just some cheaper economical options. :rolleyes:


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A synta crayford would work fine, I dont mind really. Just the current rack and pinion is terrible with plastic knobs and syntaglue. I know i can strip the syntaglue out but TBH i think i'll just buy a new focuser when one comes up for sale. I prefer white to green but it WOULD look pretty good hehe. Although im sure the police would be round in a flash hehe

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My Tal1 reflector (110mm) gave far better views of DSOs and solar system.

I quite impressed with my ED80. It certainly punched above it's weight regards the planets. More than a match for my Meade LXD 6" and Rob's 5" Mak when we compared scopes on Jupiter during the summer. Perhaps the ED80 was just less affected by the atmospheric conditions but the other scopes merely provided brighter view with no extra detail.

As for looking at doubles, the others couldn't compare. The star images in the ED80 were pin point, so tight and I've never seen the contrast in colours so vivid when looking at Albireo. That was the highlight.

The ED80 is an imaging scope.

Would have agreed with you when I had my first sample (it was a lemon) of the ED80. It seemed to fall flat on visual. As Rob will no doubt remember, i was all ready to toss the bleddy thing across the New Forest. But not before i'd given it a bleddy good kicking.

I've changed my opinion now. The second one, which Gordon has now, was simply superb. Much more than just an imaging scope. An all round top notch scope.


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The whole Tal range seems to get overlooked. Shame, for the price you pay it's QUALITY kit - gotta love those russian optics. WLTM a Klevsov at some stage - see if they're up there with the flecs n fracs. Anyone out there had any Klevsov experience?

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Unfortunately the 200K doesn't have the same reputation as the Tal 1, Tal 2M. From the reviews I've read, you're better off with a C8, which outperforms it in just about every area. While a Russian 6" Maksutov will give greater rewards for planetary viewing.

It's main advantages appear to be less chance of dewing up and quicker to cool. But it is a heavy lump.

Never used one myself, so that's just what i've picked up from reviews around the web (Cloudynights and Astromart).


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I think a well colimated C8 with an 80mm APO is probably one of the best combinations for astronomy. A well collimated C8 works great for most occasions. I wish i hadn't sold my C8 hehe, although the ED100 i brought instead was very nice!

I have yet to buy a C8 again but when i do I'll make sure i get a good one and keep it!

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