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So who's getting up for Jupiter this weekend?


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Here's a GRS calculator that works from the time on your computer, hope it helps. ;)

BTW, i'm not sure about Stellarium, but some programs need to have the GRS' longitude (150 right now) updated manually or they won't show the proper transit time. That's why i like the S&T calculator so much, it's all automatic.

I agree. Find the S&T calculator really good for GRS timings

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I'm staying up, spur of the moment, must be mad :p driving out to Blackdown Rings, a hillfort with a small car park near Loddiswell, deep in the darkest Devon countryside, should be very dark skies and horizon actually down to the ocean in parts, going to take a look for Jupiter, Uranus, see if I can seek out Neptune, got another list of nice "M"s to look for.

It's about 10 miles away, never been there by night but looks like an excellent dark site in the middle of nowhere with handy car access, just hope it isn't used for other nefarious purposes ;)

Packing a wife and a flask of hot coffee to keep me awake, but I am going to be so wrecked tomorrow :)


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And I did, and boy did i enjoy it ;)

Will write a little report, still waking up after sleeping through half the day, excellent observing site, got there at 1am and Jupiter was 'high' over the south eastern coast, left at 5am, will return very soon to sample it on a 'dark-sky' night :)





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Yep it's a hilltop 200 metres above sea level with a spectacular southward sweeping view from East round to West down to the coast and down to sea level, or almost so, especially if you set up just outside the small car park to avoid a small low copse to the west. Nearest settlement is miles away, no-one to disturb, no streetlights, just pull in to the little car park and set up. If you walk across the field to the hill fort mound itself you've got an amazing 360 degree horizon.

In any case, great to catch early views of rising objects. I may try Dartmoor soon again too.

Only 20 minutes from home too, I'm chuffed, will be back soon to go Messier hunting, and I want to spend time with Jupiter without that pesky moon crowding in so close !


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i was working last night till 7 this morning, jupiter was very bright in the sky and a half moon to the left of it would have made a lovely photo opertunity, allmost went home sick so i could get the kit out if i wasn`t so exhusted

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Well i took the plung and stayed up till 4 !!! The moon just came in to view above my neighbours house at about 2 but i started about 12 as i was hunting for m101 so decided to go for the whole hog and wait for jupiter ...and wow great view in my 200p!i had a x2 barlow with a 10mm attached and could clearly see a red band of colour and 4 moons .....no red spot ....whether it was visable im not sure but now im seriously tired!!!! ;) so glad i could stay awake even got in a shot or 2 of what i saw coffee more coffee and half a packet of digestive biscuits is my secret:headbang:



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Stayed up all night, a nice clear night......till Jupiter got past the light pollution and then the black clouds rolled in :) . I have now decided to give Jupiter a miss whilst I am at home, as soon as it rises a street light is in the way then it heads behind a tree and then the sun is up before it clears the tree. Plenty more to see in the meantime ;) .


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