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I was listening to a programme on radio 4 today and Brian Cox was a guest. He aid that the thing that really got him into astronomy was a series called 'Cosmos' presented by Carl Sagan. Does anyone remember this series? It was probably on early eighties.

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Cosmos was a ground breaking series bringing together the various scientific disiplines, for those that have seen it the legacy of Cosmos is evident in much of what is presented by Brian Cox and others. Cosmos was the original and the best. You could do a lot worse than pick up some of Carl Sagan's books, you won't be disappointed.


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I'm old enough to remember the original series and my bother gave the the DVD box set for my birthday a couple of months ago - I'm about half way through it at the moment. Some of the material is a little dated but they have added "science updates" where really relevent to cover this. Overall I find it an excellent and thought provoking series as I can recall I did the 1st time around :D

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I remember the original series. It was truly groundbreaking and won many awards, and was one of those rare tv moments that touched all who saw it. I've seen some of the youtube footage, and in places it still brings a lump to the throat. Awesome.

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I don't know about this Brian Cox fella but I watched Cosmos recently with the Mrs, it truly is incredible; informative, moving, inspiring (and is pretty much the main reason we now have an 8" dob and I'm posting here :)).

Apparently when it was originally shown viewing figures amounted to 3% of the population of the Earth. Carl Sagan was perhaps the greatest popular communicator of astronomy, science and rationalism of modern times and is sorely missed. Bearing in mind his quote about how short-sighted and dangerous it is that in the nuclear age we have arranged society such that almost noone understands anything at all of science, I've been ordering my friends and colleagues to watch Cosmos also.

I am also particularly fond of his beige suits, Kermit-like voice and peculiar pronunciation of familiar words :D

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It dates me - I remember it well. I was working at IBM when it was on and everyone was much into imitating Carl Sagsns drawn out 'a' and 'r' sounds. As in "who aaaaaahhhhrrre these beings" :D

Trivia - Sagan was resposnible for heading the committee which selected the sounds of earth on the 'golden record' carried by the Voyager probe. Sagan was also responsible for the plaque carried on Pioneer 10 and 11 and his wife did the actual art work for them.

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Old enough to remember it first time round, and have it and the book (DVD set for the series)...amazing man, amazing life and sadly missed. One of his students is Steve Squyres of Mars rover fame

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