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Whats in your Eyepiece case?


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More ep's than me...

6mm Skywatcher UWA

11mm Tele Vue PL

17mm Tal SP

25mm Tal SP

32mm Tele Vue PL - Dum-dum-du-be-du-be-dum-dum... oh yeah!

28mm 2"

Other stuff in the case;

barlows; Tal x2, x3, x4 (why oh why?) and AE x4 Imagemate

Full set of Celestron colour filters that really don't get used much and an Astronomic UHC-E that really really really does.

Wouldn't mind trying one of those Baader HYPERION jobbies.

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Boring me...

2" 32mm Meade Superwide

Hyperion 9mm

Hyperion 17mm

2" SWAN 25mm

2" SWAN 40mm

1.25" Antares W70 17mm

A couple of (28mm and 32mm) "Star Party" 2" beasties.

Little Meade 4000 26mm in the finder

That's about it. Much less than I used to have before I "rationalised" in the wake of the beast arriving.


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  • 2 months later...

As every single eyepiece in my case has changed since I started this thread, thought I'd bring it back from the dead and post a new pic. Still needs some tweaking but I'm getting there. I'd like to replace the BW Optik with a 31mm T5 but I've not won the lottery yet... Next is to replace the the 3-6 with a 7mm I think. I like having only 4 eyepieces!


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My modest collection consists of :

25mm Plossl

10mm Plossl

40mm Plossl

12.5 Ortho

4mm Ortho

Meade x2 barlow

and neoydium skyglow filter

Just need a 2" ep, and perhaps another filter or 2, then I'll consider my set complete... :D Obviously, I'll upgrade the quality of ep's as I go, but for the time being they serve their purpose...


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1x celestron 40mm 2" plossl

1 x revelation 28mm 2" plossl

1 x antares 40mm 1.25 plossl

1 x celestron 32mm 1.25 erfle

1 x antares 14mm W70

1 x antares 8.6mm W70

1 x antares 5.7mm W70

1 x baader hyperion 3.5mm

1 x eclipse 2 x barlow 1.25

1 x BCF imagemate 4x barlow

1 x GSO 2" ED barlow

1 x ND 25 filter

1 x ND 13 filter

1 x wratten no 21 filter ( orange)

1 x Orion skyglow filter

1 x BK7 clear glass filter

1.25 and 2" t adaptors

2 x T mount for pentax K

1 x screw in cross-hair reticle

2" and 3" 2" dia' extension tubes.

2" antares mirror diagonal

red torch and cleaning equipment.

I really need to replace the 32mm erfle with a 2" plossl at some point and get something around 19mm ( probably another W70)

plus another hardcase so I can keep all the 2" in the one case.

At least me and my brother dont fight over eyepieces quite so much with that lot as he never brings his.. most apart from the baader and the W70's where picked up secondhand off ebay etc.

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Like Gordon my eyepieces have substantially changed - in a frighteningly short space of time !!.

Currently I have:

KK Widescan III's 84 degrees FoV: 20mm, 16mm, 13mm

Tele Vue Plossl: 11mm, 8mm

Meade 3000 Plossl: 6.7mm, 5mm

Celestron Ultima 2x Barlow

I'd like to get down to 4/5 quality EP's plus a good barlow - at least I'm heading in the right direction now !.


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(Sadly to remain) only a few Baader Hyperions (5, 8, 13, 21). I hated to part (for financial reasons) with my (slowly) increasing Lanthanum set :sad2: But I'm hanging onto a token 15mm one and have my eye on the (little-cited) 2" 30mm one. The "longer" Antares W70s still remain, their place justified, while I STILL try to figure them out. :D

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Orion Sirius 25mm Plossl

Celestron 15mm Plossl

Orion Sirius 10mm Plossl

Antares 3x barlow

a blowing brush (it's in my EP box...)

It gives me a fair range for now. Thinking of picking up a 32mm or something, and maybe a 20mm to fill the gaps.


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Mine's completely changed too - having gone 2". But I only have two at the moment:

Celestron 40mm Axiom 2" - 70 degree FOV - absolutely stunning with the C8.

Williams Optics 25mm SWAN - 72 degree FOV.

I really want a Hyperion 8mm to add to the collection and an 2" ED barlow.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Like Gordon my eyepieces have substantially changed - in a frighteningly short space of time !!.

Currently I have:

KK Widescan III's 84 degrees FoV: 20mm, 16mm, 13mm

Tele Vue Plossl: 11mm, 8mm

Meade 3000 Plossl: 6.7mm, 5mm

Celestron Ultima 2x Barlow

I'd like to get down to 4/5 quality EP's plus a good barlow - at least I'm heading in the right direction now !.



I've sold the KK Widescan 16mm ......

....... but added 32mm and 20mm Tele Vue Plossls and an Orion Optiluxe 40mm (my 1st 2 inch eyepiece which gives a 4 degree field of view in the Megrez 90).

So not really meeting my objective of a smaller set ..... but dammit these things are so tempting !!!

I know what my new year's resolution really OUGHT to be :)


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The televue plossls are great and well worth the premium as long as you are buying second hand! I thought you new years resolution was to replace your plossls with naglers :)

Thanks for the reminder Gordon - I'll whisper that to myself at midnight on New Years Eve as I drink my glass of whatever I'm seeing the new year in with !!.

I added up the value (used) of all my current eyepieces the other night and the total came to about 1.5 mid-range Naglers :?


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Yes Gordon you have to hand it to Al Nagler - with the TV Nagler, Panoptic, Radian and Plossl he has really dominated the eyepiece market for a decade or so - everybody seems to ultimately end up with some of them.

I read a good post on Cloudynights - 10 rules of astro equipment I think it was called - the eyepiece rule was something along the lines of "try as many designs of eyepiece as you can - you will ultimately end up with Tele Vue of course but it will be good to understand why". Sort of sums it up.

Funilly enough the 1st 1.25 inch eyepieces I ever bought were 3 TV plossls. Over the 20+ years since then I have tried lots of different makes.... and now I have TV plossls at the centre of my collection again !.

Of those that I've tried the only EP's that I would select in place of TV's would be Celestron Ultimas (or Orion Ultrascopics - same thing) which IMHO match TV Plossls.

That said the Baader Hyperions seem to be gathering a significant "fan club" at the moment - I've yet to try one of those.


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