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M106 with Ha jets


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M106 is a wonderful galaxy to image with faint outer arms and a complex chaotic core. It has been discovered to have a seperate spiral structure rotating in a counter direction. X-ray images show it best but there is some Ha gas within the counter spiral which can be picked up.

The LRGB was captured last month during my trip to Les Granges. I have now added 4 hours worth of 10min Ha subs binned x2.

Scope: 10" LX200ACF @ F8 guided with SXV AO

Camera: QSI 532 with Baader 7nm Ha filter

The LHaRGB shows the usual Ha areas but in addition there are some faint streaks of Ha which are jets of shocked Ha gas. The plain Ha just about shows faint wisps of Ha rising at the 11 o'clock position in relation to the galaxy core along with the much more prominent jet at 5 o'clock. Another 10 hours would help!



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An extraordinary level you take your imaging to Martin.

Saying it's a Superb Image, doesn't seem an adequate enough description, but It will have to do.;).

I hope you get the other 10 hours to add to it though.


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The addition of the Ha is great Martin.

Seeing that, I'm going to have to add some Ha to my last years effort, but will have to wait until next year to do it now!!

Cracking image sir :D



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By Gad, that does bring something new to the object. I was unaware of the jets but aren't they spectacular. Added to the overall smoothness, especially of the faint stuff which is often missing or noisy, that really is an image and no mistake.

By the way, congratulations on your Pic of the Month, too, in the Beeb.


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