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Greetings from Peterborough


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Hi all,

I am (2 sessions with a real scope) a very new stargazer and am loving it. My daughters cheapo birthday telescope turned out to be more expensive then intended as it lead me to buy my new toy.

I am getting used to my 130P Skywatcher GOTO and have already marvelled at saturn, crescent moon etc. Last night i managed to align it (with some annoying drift/innaccuracies) so broadend out to some deep sky stuff. Letting it find Beehive Cluster, pliades and Double cluster for me.

What is a good thing to further drop my jaw with at this time of year, any tips on viewing?

Still using standard supplied EPs which is a 2x Barlow, 25mm and 10 mm. Scope is a 650mm focal length.

(one last question, why does the sjkywatcher lit state mags that do not seem to conform to the standard equation? ie Magnifications (with eyepieces supplied): x36 & x90. My sums say with a 10 and 25 i should get 65x and X26. Am i missing something?)

Oooh real name is Paul and i literally have close to no knowledge or experience other then what mother internet has taught me.

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Hi Paul

Nice to have another fellow P'boro resident on board

Your sums are correct, just double the number when you add the 2x barlow, so 65 becomes 130 and 26 becomes 52

The 36 and 90 mags I think only apply if your scope has a 900mm focal length, I know skywatcher do a 130/900 version, but as you say, yours is 650mm so maybe your destructables are bog standard across the range and dont account for scopes with different focal lengths

Download Stellarium, its a free software that is a must for stargazing

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