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Moon 11/9/06 - Getting Better


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Had another play with the moon tonight, minus moon filter and with the tips Steve gave me.

So it was F8, ISO 50 and the exposure was -1 I think (whatever that means)




I'm really pleased with these, I have a a play in PS, just I only know how to alter the contrast and brightness. Your welcome yo have a play.

Feedback would be good.


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No worries Rog!

Thanks for all the replies. I can't wait to get out and try again when I can.

Caz, You can fiddle with the pics as much as you like. Maybe you should do a gude on how to make moon pics better in PS?

I aint got a clue lol.


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Maybe you should do a gude on how to make moon pics better in PS?

It was a crackin pic, saw its potential and went for it.... As for my editting skills, there not worthy of a primer just yet, its basically trial and error... :grin: Just keep em' coming :thumbleft:

Caz :wink:

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Never be pic of the day quality though

Don't talk yourself down mate, a lot of it is being there at the right time, the rest of it is doing the right thing at the right time and the crunch is having the right setup at the right time. If you get good weather you're half way there, if you get good seeing that's half way there again. If your target matches your kit as far as image scale goes, and all the above goes for you, that's when you nail a good 'un.

Keep at it and you will surprise us all, you included.

Captain Chaos

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