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Which Dobsonian?

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Hi all

I am currently looking to purchase a 10 inch dob.

I have been looking at brands such as the SkyWatcher solid tube and truss models and also the Meade Lightbridge.

Can anyone give me some advice or recommendation on which to go for! Also is there any difference in terms of optics and ease of collimation between the above scopes?

Any help will be greatly appreciated..



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I agree with Mick (Doc). The truss design only really yields benefits in 12" and up apertures. If you compare the tube weights I think you will find that the solid tube versions are no heavier than their truss tube cousins - and no need to buy a light shroud with solid tube dobs !.

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It's all about portability - the advice is sound. The other advantage of a 10" solid tube is that if it does fit into your car, it often requires much less collimation. Truss tube dobs always need lots of messing around

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hi Stuart

I recently bought a 12" dob used and posted this http://stargazerslounge.com/members-equipment-gallery/100697-first-light-report-well-sort-my-new-old-12-orion-optics-uk-dobsonian.html

it's a different make than you mention but gives a bit of feedback on what you can expect when you get one / before you buy one.

I'd strongly recommend a dob to everyone for visual - it just depends on what size you can carry/store. In my experience, which is not extensive, a 12" solid tube is the maximum solid tube you'd go for but is still manageable for the average guy. a 10" would be easier although I got the 12" in my VW Golf no problem.

you won't regret getting a big dob. as the others say, bigger mirrors really need to be broken down (truss models).

my own view would be get a 12" as this will avoid the 'should I have gone for the 12" scenario. that is until you realise you could maybe have pushed it to the 16"......

good luck whatever you go for.

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Can't comment on comparing the makes, but I own a Skywatcher and am very happy with it. The flextube is actually heavier than the solid tube; I'd stick to the solid unless you really need the flextube for portability / storage.

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Can't comment on comparing the makes, but I own a Skywatcher and am very happy with it. The flextube is actually heavier than the solid tube; I'd stick to the solid unless you really need the flextube for portability / storage.

I recently asked "which is heavier...............a 10" solid tube Dob or a 10" open truss Dob"....................just because i was curious.

I was quickly informed that the 10" open truss Dob is actually heavier then the 10" solid tube Dob.

I was SHOCKED by this.

So the open truss is better for portability/storage but if thoe are not a factoring issue for you..................the solid tube Dod is the one to go for.

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Thank you all for your help.

I read your excellent report shane and it has got me wondering whether I should invest in a Orion Optics dob.

Speaking of Orion Optics dobs does anyone else have any reports on these scopes and their performance..

Thanks again in advance

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although I have no experience of other manufacturers, I would 100% recommend OO UK dobs for the reasons I said in the report. mainly the superb base, the excellent optics (no comparisons possible but reports always seem to suggest OO have very good optics) and the fact they are close to me and know their stuff/make their own scopes.

I'd urge you to consider a used one though - much cheaper, you'll just have to wait a bit - 10" come up more than 12" though. if possible (and assuming you don't have masses of experience (like me - i.e. I don't have masses of experience)) maybe take someone along that can check it out or buy from this group - I doubt you'd buy a duffer from anyone here.

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I've had a couple of OO DObs visit here, in the hands of French owners, which is nice to see. I have to say they seemd very good all round, moving nicely and with good optics. Indeed very good. One owner said that some holes had beeen dirilled in the wrong place for screwing the mount box together but these things happen.

You can't stretch to 12 inch?? Sorry, couldn't resist!


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I have an OO Europa 10" F/4.8 newtonian with the 1/6 pv wave mirror and Hilux coatings. It's a nice performer and seems well made. It's quite a light OTA which is what attracted me to it - around 10kg. It's a bit more portable than the Skywatcher equivalent I fancy.

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The thing to remember about Orion Optics UK is that they're not a mass market dob manufacturer, but rather custom build every dob to order. Of course this means that they're not the cheapest, but you can have something built that suits you.

OO does offer different levels of optics from the standard better than 1/4 PV (usually about 1/5PV) up to the better than 1/10 PV (usually about 1/11 PV). So even the most basic OO has optics a bit better than a good mass market dob such as SkyWatcher or Meade. They can actually do optics up to 1/20 PV, but that level is really only intended for research purposes as the amateur user wouldn't notice the difference. Even the very best American made mirrors such as Zambuto can only equal OOs 1/10PV mirrors but not better them.


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A question for my next purchase, somewhat related to this thread:

Imagine I have a theoretical limit budget that will either allow me to buy one of this:

- 14" mass production dob with standard 1/4PV optics (i.e. Orion USA XX14i)

- 10" custom made dob with 1/10PV optics (OO 300px with 1/10pv mirror upgrade)

Which one you think, would show me more detail on DSOs?

Would the 1/10PV need more maintenance as a more regular re-coating or is it just as durable?

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A question for my next purchase, somewhat related to this thread:

Imagine I have a theoretical limit budget that will either allow me to buy one of this:

- 14" mass production dob with standard 1/4PV optics (i.e. Orion USA XX14i)

- 10" custom made dob with 1/10PV optics (OO 300px with 1/10pv mirror upgrade)

Which one you think, would show me more detail on DSOs?

Would the 1/10PV need more maintenance as a more regular re-coating or is it just as durable?

For detail in DSO's, from my limited experience, aperture is the key. My Meade Lightbridge 12" did not have as good quality optics as my OO 10" has but it did better on most DSO's.

If the 1/10 PV mirror is from OO it will probably be Hilux coated which, according to OO, is very durable.

Did you mean a 10" ? - the 300 px is a 12" I think in which case it's a tougher call.

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Did you mean a 10" ? - the 300 px is a 12" I think in which case it's a tougher call.

Sorry! I meant 12" the 300px is only about 100€ more expensive then the XX14i at current £ to € exchange rate.

And 2nd sorry for sort of hijacking the thread. Anyway I think it may be of interest to understand what matters more: The aperture or the optics quality, given a fixed budget. It may be useful for Deacon to make his choice.

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OO estimates the life expectancy of its coatings with Hilux on any of their mirrors (1/10PV or otherwise) at 25 years+.

The OD300 1/10PV is a 12" dob and would show about the same amount of detail on DSOs as the 14" Orion USA dob due to the higher reflectivity and smoother mirror surface which would compensate for the greater aperture as you would get about the same light throughput at the eyepiece. On lunar or planetary then the OD300 would be better due to it's higher contrast and ability to use more magnification.

The OD300 would also be far easier to move around as it would be so much lighter. The OD300 would only weigh a little bit more than the Orion USA 10" dob. Also in the UK the OD300 dob with 1/10PV is about £360.00 less than the Orion USA 14".


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do consider used.

eg http://stargazerslounge.com/sale/101309-orion-optics-10-f4-8-a.html

plus the base from Orion at £238 and you have a 10" for the same price as the 8".

I don't know anything about the above scope or person but also bought mine from Linton and don't think he'd ever sell a scope that was not right.

the other option is ask eg Linton to look out for one. as he works at a school where he runs the Observatory he does sometimes get offered scopes on a first refusal basis. he's a top bloke and takes the view that a scope being sold should end up in the hands of someone that will appreciate it.

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ps I note the scope I pointed to had new coatings a couple of years back. I am thinking about getting new coatings on mine in a few years maybe and it would be about £200 for HILUX coatings on both mirrors. this should then see me out based on John's quote from OO UK.

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