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PST sun today 08/9/06

Kaptain Klevtsov

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Got this out of the lappy just now.


PST + SC3 with Barlow lens only (removed from the barlow tube) screwed on the nosepiece.

3 minutes at 5 fps

Processed in Registax and colour added in Photoshop.

Funny looking wobbly bit in the centre with no spot attached. I wonder if this will get all fierce?

Hope you like it,

Captain Chaos

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While I remember...

The Sept Sky and Telescope has an article on how a chap processes his solar images from his PST. Interesting reading.

If you want a copy CC, let me know. I inadvertantly bought two copies.

(If CC doesn't want it, it'll be thrown open)

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Funny thing happened earlier today regarding this pic...

First time I took a solar image shot of a sun spot (Baader filter) The wife thought there was dirt on the lens!

I showed her this image that CC had taken through a PST....."So if you can take pics like that why don't you do it in orange!!!" She said.

Needless to say I told her to get her coat!

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