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First 'decent' DSLR image


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This is my first DSLR image (well the first worth posting!).

January 31st

Exposure: 1/100th second

6 inch reflector, F5

ISO 200

I think I have over-sharpened and over-saturated it, I still have the raw file so I will probably re-work it at some point.

Any comments or critisisms gratefully received.

I also have a couple of DSO images I am about to post in the relevant area...


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  • 2 weeks later...
Is a motor drive needed for lunar images?

Not at all, the exposure of this image is only 1/100th of a second so not long enough for any trailing.

If you were using a longer focal length, hence more magnification, and/or longer exposures, then it becomes ncessary.

Everyone: thanks!

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What lens are you using? I've tried taking pictures of the moon with the 18-55mm kit lens but it looked tiny! Got a Sigma zoom lens recently which goes to 300mm, much better for lunar etc.

You should post your picture anyway, I would be interested to see it.

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This pic was taken with a Canon 30D and a Sigma 70 - 300 @ 300mm F16 @ 1/250 and ISO 400. For a first go I'm happy with it but hope to get better images when I get my scope and learn how to operate it properly. I don't have a motor drive but will start saving the pennies.




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Pretty good I think. Did you shoot in raw or JPEG? Bear in mind mine was sharpened and saturated quite a bit from the raw file. Here's how it started life.

You have much more control over how the picture looks with raw, as you can see mine was over-exposed.

You should be able to get some pretty good shots with just the lens really, if you can just get a tracking mount (or make a 'barn door' mount). Here's a quick stab at M81 & M82 I took with the lens at 300mm.

You have the same sigma lens as me btw, what do you think of it? Seems pretty good at long focal lengths to me but I've found quite severe chromatic abberation trying to use it for widefield, the Pleiades came out looking mauve...



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I used the RAW image which was very flat to begin with. I photoshopped is to get it looking better. Quite happy with the lens and I agree it's best at the longer focal lengths. Good pic of M81 & M82, what exposure time was that and was it on a motor mount. Could you enlighten me as to what a "Barn Door" mount is and how to make one.



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It is a stack of 5 30-sec exposures at ISO800, with the same number of dark frames. I mounted the camera directly on my EQ3-2, the mount that comes with the skywatcher 6-inch reflector. You have to buy the motors separately, which are about £80 I think.

As to the barn door thing, I mentioned it because you talked about saving the pennies to get a mount (I know how that feels!). It's basically a DIY mount based on two hinged boards, if you 'google' it you'll find plenty of info. Never made one myself, but it doesn't look too difficult

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