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Hi guys, well i've just taken the initial test on their virtual microscope and i am now a registered searcher of stardust. It strikes me as one of the most boring, mind-numbing things i could be doing, but you never know, if i find any tracks in the gel i could be up their with Newton, Galilleo, Hubble, Armstrong et al. :D :D

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I read about it in Sky@Night magazine....

Err..Dipped out of that one i'm afraid....Far too busy!!!

Anyway, welcome to the forum have fun here...Lots of friendly people and advice if needed...Look forward to your posts..


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Thanx again for the warm welcome everyone.

I'm John, a little about me.....i'm 43(almost) and i am currently living in Poole, Dorset, i've been here about 2 years now.

I first touched on astronomy in the early eighties, when i would spot satellites,(naked eye) which for me then were a real novelty.

I grew up in Glasgow, but at 29 i moved to the Isle of Lewis, in the Outer Hebrides. Here I discovered 'dark skies' and wow, that was it, I rapidly got hold of everything related to astronomy I could lay my hands on.(not an easy task stuck on a rock in the Atlantic, half-way to Iceland)

Unfortunately, (some might say) i have never been rich, so apart from a pair of 7x50 ex-Russian naval binoculars, (which a merchant-seaman uncle swapped for two pair of worn Wrangler jeans, outside a moscow theatre in the 1970's) i have been a naked-eye observer.

Although i have read lots, and have had some great naked-eye observations,mostly on the island, I have NEVER looked through a telescope of any kind or size in all that time. This, as i'm sure you can imagine is very frustrating when i know the glories that lie 'just beyond'.

I know the remedy there is to find a local club and get access to other enthusiasts scopes, but either fate or circumstance, has conspired to deny me this, so far.

So that's me, an enthusiastic pauper :D who dreams of moving back to the Hebrides, with a Meade 5 or 6 inch Apochromatic refractor.

I regularly dream of winning the lottery, but i've never bought a ticket in my life. :D

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The nearest AS to you is at Wimborne. I'd highly recommend popping along - especially on their observing nights!!

Contact Mr Jeffries on 01929 422961

(I have a SIL in Poole, next time we go down, I'll shout and we could meet up over a 'lemonade'??)

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Thanx for the contact number Daz, i think i've heard of an observing site just north of Wimborne. I don't know yet what a SIL is, remember i'm a newbie here, not quite up on the shorthand yet. It seems a good place for advice and guidance . I was initially trying to find the correct forum for advice on buying a telescope online, eg - i used to work in the parcels industry and have seen how boxes are thrown around, not too good for the optics i would imagine. :D

p.s. i spotted two P :D :D :D :clouds1:ids on Friday

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We are more than happy to offer advice on how to spend your money - feel free to ask any time :D

Sorry about the shorthand - becomes 2nd nature after a while :oops: SIL = Sister In Law

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Last time I saw my SIL :laugh:, I could see :stars:

My brother lives in Perth, Western Australia. I've been over a couple of times.

At a relatives place just north of Adelaide I was fortunate enough to observe the two Magellanic Clouds, the Jewel Box etc. in dark skies. Finding the pole star for Astro-photography in southern latitudes must be a bit of a nightmare, not nearly as well pointed as Polaris ( not that i know much about telescope alignment ).

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