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18mm & 12mm Paradigm Dual ED Eyepiece first light


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I now have 2 of these and can say they are fantastic.

Bought the 18mm & 12mm. The only thing I have noticed is the colour coded rings are different. the 18mm has a gold ring & the 12mm a blue. The image quality a1, no false colour and very little tailing near the edge in my f5!..

I've owned a number of EP's in my time, someone claimed these were equal to Meade 5000 EP's. Wrong!.. there better. The Meades display what I can only call a 'Meade yellow tinge'. These EP's dont.. clear and crisp.

Well done Skies_Unlimited!!.. very well done.




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I also received the 8mm version yesterday & although I have only had a telescope for a very short while,so I cant compare it with any other simular EP's & for the short time I managed to get out last night,I was very impressed with how clear the images looked,even in far from than less than perfect conditions.

I cant imagine that you could get better for the price.

A definate thumbs up

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I've given the 18mm a run out twice now......very impressive indeed. The eyepiece is extremely well corrected (at least as good as the Hyperion, if not better), has excellent contrast, nice coatings, no lateral colour and extremely comfortable to use. Does not black out and barlows well. A true bargain....why spend spend extra on a 5000 or Hyperion? Give them a miss, save a packet and get an equally good eyepiece to boot.

And finally a huge thumbs up to Alan from Skies Unlimited. Thanks for offering such good eyepiece at a silly price. And also for the excellent service. Bought on Ebay Monday afternoon, delivered Tuesday morning!!!! What a great guy.

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Back out last night at 10.20pm for a further go with the EP's. Orion was shinning brightly, and M42 begged a look. The 18mm framed the whole thing nice.. but the 12mm was something else!. On edge sharpness the 12mm nailed 85-90% in the f5 Newt. The 18mm was around 75-85%.

These are really good EP's. In a MAK or SCT they would be edge perfect!.


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Hope your please Paul. I know I am. Went out at 4.30 to take a peek at Jupiter in semi day light. I used the ED80 + my 3 x Antares Barlow and managed Jupiter with a transit of Ganymede seen clear as clear in both the 18mm & 12mm. Jupiter is way past its best, so this was a real test.. my god it was boiling away, but the details shone through. Lots of belts and clear ink dot of the moon passing in front.


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i have the 15mm lens, arrived at impressive speed!

cant test it fully as my new scope body is stillin canada. Can sort of use it with an acuter 80mm spotting scope, it just doesnt attach to the scope, i have to hold the ep in place, which gets old fast!

Seems to outperfom the orion superwise 15 and 20mm i was using. more testing needed....

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  • 4 weeks later...

I finally had first light with these EPs (the 15mm and 8mm versions). Had about an hour of clear sky last night before the clouds rolled in.

I have to say that I'm really happy with these. Though I have no comparison to the really expensive ones. But they are definitely a lot better than the ones I had before.

But I need to mention that these EPs are not parfocal. I need to re-focus after changing to a different EP of the same range. Not a big problem for me though, but I though I'd mention it.

I do, however, have problems focussing properly (with any EP) so I came to the conclusion that my collimation must be way off. That'll be my next project. :)

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I've added the 8mm to my collection now and pleased to say it is every bit as impressive as the 12mm and 18mm. Perfect in the SCT at 250x or in the 200P with the Ultima barlow at 300x.

Unfortunately they are not parfocal which is odd for an eyepiece range but no big deal.

I won't buying anymore as the 5mm is too much power for the Meade. Don't see a point in the 15mm when you have the 12mm and 18mm. And the 25mm probably wouldn't see much light as i would switch straight too the 2" 32mm Rigel.

Great eyepieces :)


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Very interested in anyone's opinion on the 5mm, very tempted to go for one of these!

I have heard nothing but good reviews but just worry its a bit to much for my f/5.. but as i say ill give it a proper test on the moon in a few days.

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