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Canon 400d with standard 18-55mm lens - filter question

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If you have a 2" LP filter just rest it in the lens hood but dont forget to take it out before moving the camera. I have done this a few times with reasonble success before I got my clip filter.

For a more robust solution it may be possible to get some sort of step down ring that the LP filter can be screwed into then screwed onto the lens

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Yes there is a way, simply cut off the back plastic bit on the lens which will allow clearance for the EOS filter. I've a CLS filter, the 18-55mm lens, and a 400d and it works.

I only did this because a) I had two idential lenses :D I was prepared to take the risk that if it was damaged then I wasn't going to be too annoyed.

It works 100% now, autofocus, etc unaffected, and bahaves just like it did before.

Here are some pictures, copy at your own risk :headbang:





Here are a couple of 30s exposures from my house, first without, second with the filter fitter.



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I want to mount my canon 400d on my HEQ5 for wide field shots but it has the stock 18-55 EF-S lens and as such the EOS Clip filters are not suitable.

Sod's law, I read this the day my EOS clip filter arrived :D and I have the stock lens! :headbang:

But I think I have a solution to the problem using EOS mount macro extension tubes to move the lens away from the ccd and mirror. This means that the 18-55mm cannot achieve focus, but I can correct this using the lens assembly from an old OM10 2x converter that I no longer use.

I just need to machine up a plate to mount the lens inside the extension rings. Tested it using blue-tak and it works! :D

Will take a couple of weeks before I can get to my Step Father's work shop but I will post pictures of the final result.



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You could just get a front mount filter if you don't want to butcher your lens.


Hi Steve

In hindsight, that's what I should have done. Problem is I already paid for the clip filter, nothing left to spend!

I will still use the clip for the EOS350 on the back of my WO66mm and I have some old M42 lenses that will work with the clip filter in place.

It's just the 18-55mm is the most used so I wanted a small adapter that is easy to cart around. The cost of the bodged-2x-converter will be practically zero!



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