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IC1805 in Ha


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Hi all.

I looked out last night and could see stars,:) the only problem was they were set against a very orange background.:icon_eek:

Mist and Thin cloud cover had brought the LP to the zenith.

My head said it was not worth imaging even in Ha but my hart said, do it.

I grabbed 30 x 5 minute subs before the ever thickening mist won out.

A lot more noise reduction than I like to use had to be applied to the image but I never thought I would get anything near this from the conditions.

Halos are still present from the new astronomik Ha filter but nowhere near as in your face as the halos from my old filter.

So, glad I went out and pleased with the replacement filter.



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Thanks guys.:icon_eek:

Very nice Mike, well worth imaging through the murk!

Some cracking detail in there.

Nice one


It will be interesting to see just how much the mist affected the image when I get a chance to do the same shot on a good clear night.


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This is really nice, Mike - some very nice fine detail despite the conditions - good tracking too. With the atrocious weather we are experiencing currently, we just have to take our opportunities when they arise but I'll bet you're glad you had a go at this despite the conditions. The halos are very much reduced so the new filter is clearly an improvement.

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Staggering Mike...not 20 miles from you, complete mist out in Cherhill... so great result

Yes Nick, the mist hit the ground here at around midnight here but it was present all night.

With the atrocious weather we are experiencing currently, we just have to take our opportunities when they arise

It's all coming back to me, wait all year for the nights to draw in and then...... pants weather and the nights start drawing out again.:rolleyes:


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