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where can you buy eyepiece caps?


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Does anyone know where to buy eyepiece caps?

i need a couple to fit the 1.25" barrel end, and some slightly bigger to cover the tops too. I have already found a couple of places selling the rather cheap-looking dipped rubber things, but i want the proper injection moulded ones you get with a new eyepiece, in a variety of sizes.

thanks in advance

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oh well, thanks for posting. It looks like i dont have alot of choice.

I reckon it could expensive to import from the US, I've done it before on other goods.

Shipping must be at least a fiver and then there will be GST, VAT, import duty and a trip to the post office to pay them some charges too. I think it is all to do with stopping people from europe buying from the US now the internet is so popular - that way they can keep prices in the EU high.

......I can't understand why no-one sells them in the UK though.

thanks again

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the AE ones are terribly posh but it looks like they only fit in the focusser on a telescope, and the SnS ones are the dipped rubber ones i am trying not to buy (call me a dust-cap-snob - actually i do need a couple of sizes besides the snobbery!)

I did email optcorp after i wrote my reply earlier today, i read it back and thought 'that's really pessimistic, hopefully they will get back to me tomorow, and if you are right John, then i may be in luck.

thanks for all the help guys

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the agena ones look perfect, i am about to send them an email to ask about shipping.

i will also email teleskop service to ask them.

no answer from optcorp yet, mind you it's only monday lunchtime there at the moment!

as for printing them, i could get that done through work for not much money, i use a company who does selective laser sintering from 3d cad models, and i simply hadn't thought of doing it! I might use it as a back up plan.

I will let you all know my findings...when i find them!

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okay here are my results so far

Opt corp $14 shipping and i can only find 1.25" dust caps

Agena minimum order of $30 plus shipping, but they do sell all the sizes.

teleskop service - only do 1.25" size

hands on optics - i can't find them on the website

so i don't have a magic answer, the only place i have found who does a good range is agena but they are too expensive.

I will try to find them in the uk i think, it's either that or make them somehow.

thinking hat on again!

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  • 5 years later...
  • 1 year later...

I know this is an old thread but I came across it when trying to find a UK supplier for 2" end caps myself.

Eventually I broadened my search and found this supplier: Vital Parts

I have just placed an order for 10 x CAP099 31.76mm or 1.25" & 5 x CAP123 50.8mm or 2" caps with VAT £18 and free 3 to 5 day shipping.

MIN order value is £15 but these caps are always handy to have, so easy to make up an order.

I'll post up images when they arrive.

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On 18/08/2017 at 14:32, 1CM69 said:

I know this is an old thread but I came across it when trying to find a UK supplier for 2" end caps myself.

Eventually I broadened my search and found this supplier: Vital Parts

I have just placed an order for 10 x CAP099 31.76mm or 1.25" & 5 x CAP123 50.8mm or 2" caps with VAT £18 and free 3 to 5 day shipping.

MIN order value is £15 but these caps are always handy to have, so easy to make up an order.

I'll post up images when they arrive.

The caps arrived today & I am very impressed although I did order 1" deep 1.25" caps and they sent more like 1.5" deep but better that way the the other. 

Here are some pics, first showing the 2" cap for my diagonal with nosepiece adapter and then a 1.25" cap on one of my Barlows. 










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