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Save the Espin Telescope


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Signed and chipped in, I hope they have more luck than I did 4 years ago when I offered to buy the whole thing - and was refused. The current owner does not want the disruption of dismantling the facility to relocate it, and will not allow it to be refurbished and used in its current location.  

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51 minutes ago, Jim Franklin said:

Signed and chipped in, I hope they have more luck than I did 4 years ago when I offered to buy the whole thing - and was refused. The current owner does not want the disruption of dismantling the facility to relocate it, and will not allow it to be refurbished and used in its current location.  

So I wonder what this group intends to do if the current owner of the land is not cooperating 

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52 minutes ago, JeremyS said:

So I wonder what this group intends to do if the current owner of the land is not cooperating 

I was an individual and that was just over 4 years ago - whilst I will not hold my breath, they may, hopefully, see things differently. There was another telescope in a different building when I went there, I believe it was a 19" schmidt camera, but the building was locked up and no-one had access. 

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whilst this is the espin telescope the caption this is David espin using the telescope is inaccurate the Calver 24 inch reflector was restored and put in its location by the late great David sinden chief optician of grubb parsons ltd   
one of the pictures shows David sinden at the eyepiece of the telescope

Astronomical history and old school technology regarded as scrap metal and junk

a sad state of affairs 






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  • 2 weeks later...

My thoughts:

At the very least, this instrument and its accessories should be offered to the UK Science Museum in Kensington (complete with installation support). If not, perhaps the Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies in Ireland might be interested in hosting it at Dunsink observatory. Dublin was the original home of Grubb & Son, predecessor of Grubb Parsons of Newcastle, the last great instrument builder of the UK with whom David Sinden was associated for a good part of his career. 

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This telescope was originally made by George Calver for the Rev Espin of Tow Law, Durham. He used it to make many wonderful discoveries. Sadly after the Rev Espins death it fell into disrepair and subsequently found festering by my dad. He bought it and restored it and subsequently gave it to Newcastle University. I think much of the restoration work was probably carried out at the Grubb Parsons works - I have a photo of it there - see below. Sadly it was left when they sold the property where it is housed. It has slowly deteriorated and now in an awful condition and the dome is currently open to access- again. 

The telescope through my dad (David Sinden) and the Rev Espin has deep connections to the north east of England and if at all possible I would wish for it to remain in the area. 

However, I absolutely agree about the importance of Grubb Parsons and the Ireland connection. I have in my possession several items of Grubb Parsons historical heritage, rescued by my dad. When Grubb Parsons was closing down they chucked huge amounts into a skip. My dad climbed into the skip and got them out. Over the years I have been slowly finding homes for these items.

I am coming to Ireland next year bringing the last and most important of these items. With the intention of presenting them to the Observatories of Ireland. As I believe lreland is the best and right place for them to be. My contact in Cork is helping me arrange this. 

I am attempting to do the right thing by the objects that my father held dear.

Which brings me back to Rev Espins 24” Calver/ Sinden scope - The owners of the place where it is are not wanting to deal with the problem and are taking the head in sand approach. My thought is to try and get as much public support as possible through our petition in order to encourage them to release the telescope. It will also be a nightmare to get out. 

We could absolutely do with peoples help and support- I am currently trying to spread the petition and gain as many signatures as possible. If people can help, then I would be very grateful. Please can people sign and share the petition. I would like to send it round the world it I can. If people can make a comment on the petition and say whereabouts they are from, that would be great. I want the owners to realise that this is important to people all over. 

There is no guarantees of course- but I feel that I should at least give it a go at getting it out. I definitely want to do the right thing by my dads things. Any help that people can give would be greatly appreciated. 

I have added some photos for interest- they are

1) Rev Espin & Kit 2)David Sinden with Horace Dall, the original tube prior to modification behind them, taken at Grubb Parsons.3) My dad and husband at Sinden Optical Co. 4) Lisbon Camera Obscura installation, on top of the roof - my dad and I in the front, my husband Michael working on the CO hood behind. 5) My dad and the telescope in better days 6) The scope now ( this is photo is a few years old  - it’s actually In worse condition now. 

Apologies for the huge post and thank you for reading. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

Caroline Sinden Fuller



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@Caroline Sinden Fuller, no need to apologise for an informative post - love the pictures. I tried to do something about this before the pandemic and got nowhere, I was not even allowed to access the dome at the time. I do not know if the problem was the current owner, or just people working for them thinking they were doing the right thing, the campaign might have more support if it can get the local MP behind it. 

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On 06/09/2024 at 23:53, Clive Elliott said:


whilst this is the espin telescope the caption this is David espin using the telescope is inaccurate the Calver 24 inch reflector was restored and put in its location by the late great David sinden chief optician of grubb parsons ltd   
one of the pictures shows David sinden at the eyepiece of the telescope

Astronomical history and old school technology regarded as scrap metal and junk

a sad state of affairs 







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Hi apologies, I don’t usually do social media type stuff so probably going to make 100 mistakes 😄

just realised what you meant - yes you are correct. That is am old version of the petition. We spotted the David Espin Error and it has been rectified on the updated petition. I will get the corrected one posted here. 

with regards to our general approach is to try and get strength of numbers- no idea if it will work. But I feel I have to try. I have already had a conversation with a member of staff last year. It was bizarre to say the least - I think if nothing else then we will give them a headache.

thank you very much everyone for all your support. 


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33 minutes ago, Ags said:

I think it is very bad form that the university left a generously donated telescope to rot.

Not like Cambridge. Both the Northumberland and Thorrowgood telescopes are still in frequent use, despite the latter now being 160 years old.  The Northumberland is not far short of its bicentennial in 2033.

An opportunity for naming and shaming perhaps? Or would that be counter-productive?

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