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SGL 2024 Challenge 5 - Noctilucent Cloud

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Once again we are about to come into noctilucent cloud season.  For those of you who aren't familiar with these beautiful but elusive clouds you can learn more here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noctilucent_cloud

We ran this challenge last year and were treated to some superb images and animations

Entries can be still images or animations.

Start date 2nd May 2024

End date 31st July 2024

As previously the winner and runners up will receive an SGL challenge mug showing their image along with a virtual medal-of-honour for their SGL signature.

Please post entries directly into this thread

To keep the thread manageable for the judges please do not post comments about entries, emoji reactions are welcome of course.



All data must be captured and processed by you (no collaborative entries). 
Data must be captured during the challenge start & end dates. 
Multiple entries are allowed but please make a fresh post within the thread.
Multiple submissions of the same image, processed differently, will not be accepted.

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Noctilucent Clouds over Swaledale.  Another off my list of 'Things above my house'.  The clouds were very high at the start of the display about 23.10, 23rd June.

3 pane vertorama f2.8, 3.2s iso100, a longer exposure 8s forground pane.  Canon R8, Sigma f1.4 24mm.  Lightroom, PTGUI and Photoshop.   Needs a click.  Cheers, Paul.

Noctilucent Clouds over Swaledale.jpg

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Noctilucent Clouds over Holyhead Harbour, Anglesey. Sunday June 23rd.

The Timelapse was cropped video consisting of 360 images taken at f/4 1.3secs  ISO320 at 24mm using Canon 6D and Tamron 24-70mm lens. Edited in LR timelapse and Photoshop LR.

The first single image was taken at f/4 ISO800 6 secs. The second image was from the timelapse stack. Both edited in Photoshop CS.




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Noctilucent Clouds over Swaledale.   The clouds were very, very high at the start of the display about 23.00, 23rd June.

Single portrait orientation image f2..8, 2s iso100, a longer exposure 4s foreground.  Canon R8, Sigma f1.4 24mm.  Lightroom and Photoshop.   Needs a click.  Cheers, Paul.

Noctilucent Clouds over Swaledale 10.jpg

Edited by clarkpm4242
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Afternoon all, 

Bit of a luck catch this one.  Went to bed, happened to wak at around 11:30 and look out the window and something didn't look right.

It's the first NLC display I've seen on a fire years, this one was quite small but surprisingly bright.

I have no clue where my dSLR is, probably the wardrobe, and almost certainly the batteries will be flat lol. These were taken with the S23 Ultra.

I jumped in the car, about a mile from where I live has a much better 'North'.  I was lucky because about 20 minutes after first spotting it, it was gone.

The red is from the rear light from the car. Do quite liked that :)


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hi,  just an amateur photographer.


whilst late to bed on friday 28th June 1115pm,  South Wales , UK.   saw this and went wow, 

I see a night time shining cloud,  what's is name,  i though megaolith clouds,  but after checking it,  its Noctilucent clouds.

first was from my phone,  Sony xperia 10 III, night mode.

second was a Lumix DMC-FZ18,   F  /3.6, exp 15sec. focal 19mm, iso 100, max aper 3.  un-proccessed



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Just had a look outside before bed and, woo hoo, a pretty good display.   I set the phone (OnePlus Nord) camera into night mode and one click later I had this.

Taken at 01:03am.  The star below right of the street light is Capella and a bit higher and over to the right is Mirfak.



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