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M51 with SeeStar S50

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Hello Manny, and welcome to SGL. I am a visual observer, but have dabbled with a little astrophotography. I have recently bought a Dwarf II and Seestar S50, and realise that (1) you use the JPEG images produced directly from within the 'scopes, or (2) download the individual FIT files and try to improve on the processing. In the past, I have taken videos of Jupiter and Saturn and used Registax to improve the images. But with the FIT files, from the Dwarf & S50, it seems that Siril is a strong contender for post-processing.

Looking at your stacked and final FIT files, you have, already, a good mastery of Siril. I am sure that there are some members who are skilled in Siril, and will be able to give you some pointers. I will have to spend some more time looking at the many YouTube videos on Siril processing.

This is the direct output from a much shorter session on M51. Looking at your results, I need a longer capture, and more time learning Siril.



Edited by Geoff Lister
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