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ASIAIR PLUS using iphone as HOTSPOT and Android Tablet

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I am trying to use my iphone 15 as a hotspot, if i use an ipad everything is fine, i can set the asiair to station mode and it all connects.

How ever if i use an andrid tablet instead of the ipad the app will not pickup the asiair, as soon as i use ipad its fine again.

Even if i manually add the IP the app will not see the asiair using the android app.

The android is using the latest android 13 and the iphone and asiair are at the latest updates.

I wanted a dedicated android device to run the asiair Plus and use my iphone as i have unlimited data package.

Note: using home wifi there is no issue with the android app seeing the asiair plus, its definately something to do with android app and iphone hotspot.

TIA for any info



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Yes the Asiair is in station mode connected to the iphone hotspot, i connect the android tab to the iphone network but the app wont see the asiair.

Not even when using the IP

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The asiair doesn't need to be in station mode when connecting directly to it via WiFi. Station mode is for when you want to extend the range of the asiair and connect it to a WiFi extender or your home router to act as the "middle man" that you connect to.

To connect your phone/tablet to the air, all you need is it's ssid (network ID name) and password. The air broadcasts it ID by default, so all you really need is the password, I don't think you can turn the ssid broadcast off so the device will always be visible.

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i want to use the iphone as though it was the wifi extender as so when not at home i get internet access as well.

Like i said every combination works i have no issue connecting to the asiair, its when i want to use the hotspot for when im not at home ?

It needs to be in station mode so its the same as running as if i was at home with wifi

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You don't need WiFi hotspot on. Just disconnect the WiFi connection on your phone from the air, then turn your phone data connection back on to use the internet on your phone. Why would you want to use both at the same time? The air will continue to do what it's doing without being connected to your phone. I do this all the time and usually I'm using two or three airs at the same time.

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I'm just wondering what you're trying to do. If you're off site and your asiair is imaging away, why do you then need your phones WiFi hotspot active too in relation to connecting to the air which will drain your phones battery quicker. The air will continue to operate without being connected to your controlling device as long as it's power doesn't get disrupted.

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The phone is purely for the internet( ie its my home network) why wouls asiair [put a station mode if you think its not needed? just asking, i have a dedicated android tablet which doesn't have celllular, thus why i need to use hotspot and station mode.

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As I've mentioned previously station mode is for when you want to extend your airs WiFi connection or connect it to a home router so all your devices connected to your router can see each other.

The android tablet should connect directly to the airs network (without station mode on), the air does not hide it's ssid name so should be visible to all devices with WiFi on. The only caveat with android, when connecting to a WiFi network for the first time and the host device doesn't have an internet connection a dialogue box will appear stating there is no internet connection, do you still want to remain connected, and you have to enable the checkbox to say yes. This is the simplest way to setup and control the air with what you have. Your android tablet doesn't need a data connection in order to connect to and control the air.

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So other than location there is no reliance on internet connection for the asiair, yes i know,, i just want to be able to do the same as what i can using my ipad which works fine in this configuration.

I get the hotspot and can connect and still watch tv sat in the middle of a field lol

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It should work really. Asiair in station mode with your iPhone hotspot network settings in it, iPhone hotspot on, android tablet connected to iPhone hotspot, so the tablet should see the air. It's a bit difficult to fault find without further information.

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Ipad is old and a mini 2 so cant even run the newest version hence why i want my new android up and running, but the old version on ipad works lol but i know this is prob an apple thing as they seem to have a lot of these things lol (to keep us buying the brand, make it not compatible lol)

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To be honest I use v1.9 of the air app and factory firmwares in the airs. Since V2 of the app and the updated firmwares there's been nothing but random issues. As long as it images, and runs plans that's all I need from it.

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I suspect this is an apple/android incompatibility thing and if you attempted to connect another network based device to an iOS hotspot you would face the same limitation, You could possibly get round this by utilising some kind of vpn (eg Tailscale) which advertises as an exit node or at least allows subnet routing but it seems a bit heavy handed, I would probably just watch TV on my phone instead and leave the tablet to exclusively handle the asiair

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I've tried different blu stacks etc to try and comm but no joy, looks like an android tab with 5g cell i guess, some have suggested turning on airplane mode but this just switches wifi off so yeah i will get there and i know android 13 is quite new so someone will hopefully find a work round

Edited by M8rix007
updated abbreviation
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I connect to my AsiAir via ethernet with my laptop in the house when I'm imaging (permeant setup) . On occasion, if I have to redo polar align or refocus the guide camera I'll connect at the mount using a mini iPad. I've never had any trouble connecting to the AsiAir via the mini iPad and just simply connect to the AsiAir  SSID broadcast, I don't use its Station Mode.  I've very occasionally used my iPhone to connect, tbh I think I did it maybe once. I'm waiting to see if it will clear tonight and if I get an imaging opportunity i'll try connecting with the iPhone to see what happens. 


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13 minutes ago, M8rix007 said:

i should of said from the start i am lookig at being sat in a middle of a field with no home network lol

That's fine it makes no difference - all I will do is connect to the ASiAir with my phone as though I was sat in a field - I won't be connected using my home network. I've just fired everything up so, I'll get back shortly on what I find. 


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Just in case anybody isn't sure @M8rix007 is trying to use his tablet for both asiair and movie streaming whilst out in the field with the iPhone being the "router" along with internet connectivity. Ideally he would like to both see the internet and asiair at the same time (via iPhone) but whatever reason it sent playing ball

Not ideal but a work around could be just to have a couple of wifi widgets on the tablet home screen and switch between them. Appreciate it's a bit of a pain but once you know the asiair is doing its thing then you would probably only be periodically checking on it

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