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Bubble and Lobster Claw Nebulae


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Weather is being awful for so long I'm afraid to forget how the telescope works! In the meanwhile, I spend some time processing data from my last session, 10 October. Yeah, it has rained EVERY SINGLE DAY until today, and weather forecast shows rain in the next 15 days. Oh, dear.

Well, this is the result after combining ~30h of useful data in SHO with my ZWO ASI183MM Pro and the Samyang 135mm f2 (@ f2.8). I use drizzle x2 and BlurXTerminator but this is a very undersampled setup so I cannot crop a lot to show the small details of the Bubble Nebula, an object I like a lot. However, I think the result is nice to see. I'm trying to leave some green in the image to show the transition from blue to red but... please, feel free o critique & comment because this is the 3rd time I edit this image as I don't get the colors right 😅

PS: the combination of 20MP ASI183MM with drizzle x2 is making files GIGANTIC and my hard drive is suffering as I'm keeping all the intermediate processing steps while editing 🙈


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