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My son has started to show an interest, in the worlds above. I have not had or looked through a telescope since the 90’s, so am going to be asking a lot of questions(I will Google in advance for answers). However I get the feeling already that I might be on a uphill struggle. I will look through the others posts and if I can’t find anything will know doubt start a new thread. 

thanks in advance 

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Hello JamesGlasgow and welcome to the site. Ask away with any questions, plenty of people here to help. Your son in the picture is showing how advanced he is for his age, I remember at that age one of my boys wanted a sinclair spectrum, didn't like to disappoint 😉

All the best

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2 hours ago, JamesGlasgow said:

However I get the feeling already that I might be on a uphill struggle.


Like the rest of us, it will be an uphill struggle for the rest of your life.......but it's great fun struggling uphill so ask away!! Enjoy

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You are both welcome!! And congratulations for injecting new life into the forum and into this hobby... your son must be among the youngest members around here, although he may not even be aware of it... You are in the place where for every answer you find, 3 new questions are self-formulated, so yes, this is going uphill, but who realizes when you enjoy learning? You will see that amateur astronomy in the 90s was quite different from today. I come from being an observer in the 80s, surely a hobby very similar to what you experienced. Today is another world, so almost everything is to be discovered... So feel like your little boy!

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