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ZWO Seestar 50

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The latest update allows you to activate the SS, to extend or retract it by way of a couple arrow keys beside the SS image, top right, on the home page, its easy and its fast !  And they did get rid of the sync key, it auto syncs.     

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On March 16th, I looked at the ZWO web site, and they had updated the Android App from 1.15.1 to 1.16.1, but Google Play  was still showing 1.15.1.

I downloaded the 1.16.1 apk file, and, with the warnings about apps from an unapproved source, updated the app. When run, this prompted a firmware downoad, thus going from 2.30 to 2.42.

I checked Google Play again, at 07:10 this morning (19th) and this is now showing 1.16.1, with a release date of 14th March.

Due to clouds, I have not given the updated version a try.


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Thanks Geoff.  I just launched the app and it prompted me to download the update.  Its all working  fine,  though no sun to try it out.   Good to be able to make the lens raise up without entering one of the modes 👍

Edited by paulastro
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I'm still having a struggle with my new Seestar, last night when I suddenly realized there were stars to be seen I had a go at the Flame Nebula.

I imaged for 1 hour but had so many rejections due to star trailing that I've only finished up with 5 minutes of subs.

Just to make an unfair comparison I also quickly set up my lightweight wide field kit and got an hour on the same target losing only 2 frames due to clouds. I'll do some processing later.


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2 hours ago, LaurenceT said:

I'm still having a struggle with my new Seestar, last night when I suddenly realized there were stars to be seen I had a go at the Flame Nebula.

I imaged for 1 hour but had so many rejections due to star trailing that I've only finished up with 5 minutes of subs.

Just to make an unfair comparison I also quickly set up my lightweight wide field kit and got an hour on the same target losing only 2 frames due to clouds. I'll do some processing later.


Five minutes from an hour is a poor return.  Was it a little windy, or perhaps cloud interfering or even an obstruction?  I've noticed  that they are much better at reacting to conditions than I am. Usually when I hadn't noticed  that cloud is increasing or there is some wind.  Mine doesn't usually go below at least a 2/3 success rate.  It did once stop for about  fifteen minutes and I thought it had frozen somehow or had broken down.  Re- booting it didn't work - and then I noticed it had completely clouded over where the object was!  🤔

PS  If you were using it on the small tripod it comes with, perhaps you hadn't noticed the nebula was too low to be seen by the Seestar.  I've done this as well!

Edited by paulastro
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3 minutes ago, paulastro said:

Five minutes from an hour is a poor return.  Was it a little windy, or perhaps cloud interfering or even an obstruction?  I've noticed  that they are much better at reacting to conditions than I am. Usually when I hadn't noticed  that cloud is increasing or there is some wind.  Mine doesn't usually go below at least a 2/3 success rate.  It did once stop for about  fifteen minutes and I thought it had frozen somehow or had broken down.  Re- booting it didn't work - and then I noticed it had completely clouded over where the object was!  🤔

You could be right about the conditions but it didn't seem to affect my other setup. One thing that has baffled me is that the subs were labelled IRCUT files so I obviously failed to switch to the dual band filter, I had thought it was automatic when selecting a DSO, obviously not so no nebulosity!

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18 hours ago, LaurenceT said:

One thing that has baffled me is that the subs were labelled IRCUT files so I obviously failed to switch to the dual band filter, I had thought it was automatic when selecting a DSO, obviously not so no nebulosity!

This morning, I had a look at ZWO's web site, and the Seestar S50 manual is still showing 2023-10. There have been many app/firmware updates since October 2023. A download confirmed the same size 29-page manual, and I could not spot any changes from the version I downloaded at the beginning of January. We need an update to give more details, including about the use of the "Light damage filter" (page 18 - I love these translations).


18 hours ago, paulastro said:

It did once stop for about  fifteen minutes and I thought it had frozen somehow or had broken down.  Re- booting it didn't work - and then I noticed it had completely clouded over where the object was!

I had a similar problem with an early morning session. When I looked outside (instead of at the tablet's screen) it was starting to get light, with a clear blue sky, and I could not see any stars either, except light from that big one towards the eastern horizon.


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11 hours ago, Geoff Lister said:

This morning, I had a look at ZWO's web site, and the Seestar S50 manual is still showing 2023-10. There have been many app/firmware updates since October 2023. A download confirmed the same size 29-page manual, and I could not spot any changes from the version I downloaded at the beginning of January. We need an update to give more details, including about the use of the "Light damage filter" (page 18 - I love these translations).


I had a similar problem with an early morning session. When I looked outside (instead of at the tablet's screen) it was starting to get light, with a clear blue sky, and I could not see any stars either, except light from that big one towards the eastern horizon.


Geoff, if you fo search by pressing the search button on the top right corner of the star atlas, by each object it indicates which objects will automatically use a filter.  You can of course choose to switch on the filter for the objects where this isn't indicated.  

Edit   Just checked tis, and it will show the categories of objects when you press the search button I indicated , and you then have to use a search box at the top of this page to type in the object you are looking for.

Edited by paulastro
Addional info.
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After failing miserably to get the moon to show my family last night I decided to do what I'd read and put the Seestar through the hoops of levelling, compass calibration and selecting a known bright star and doing a 3 point alignment. 

It seemed to do the trick and found the moon instantly but they'd all gone to bed by then so I found the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules and gave it about 18 minutes before I jacked it in and went to bed. I could probably miss out the first two steps next time but I'll ceratinly do the 3 point alignment.


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This has been uploaded (Ed Ting review), note it is simply an opinion but what do others think. I kind of agree to the last point, I haven't bought one yet because I know for a fact they'll be a better one along shortly, at more cost likely, but the point about e waste is also valid. The image comparisons I don't think were fair, clearly the traditional images were post processed and he didn't touch on that point that with the SS you can also do the same that will likely result in a similar quality other than mentioning someone he knew had processed an Orion example, but then didn't compare similar workflows of targets side by side:



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I enjoy Eds youtube channel. He has a great presentation style, easy to listen to and understand.

We must remember we are looking at a scope of around 500 quid !!  I think for the money its quite remarkable what it achieves and its unfair to put it up against more tradition asto setups !

If ZWO listen to the forums etc and make changes to future firmware and later models I recon 'traditional' astro photog will slowly dwindle ?


Anyway. I just printed this dew and light shield for mine 🙂 

I can confirm this fits a treat 



Currently printing this, which may or may not give decent results. I will report back once tested !





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That's the main point. For the price, nothing comes close to what it can do, the fact that it's easy to use too is a bonus.

Give me a slight aperture increase and the option to mount my own cameras onto a future version and they can likely take my pre order right now. The icing on the cake will be a variable focal length objective but that will add significantly to the cost.

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Yarp, thats the trick. keeping costs down.  500 quid is a lot of peoples 'christmas present'  and not out of reach for most ?

I personally would pay more for new models because at this stage Im 'into' the hobby. I think a lot of seestar owner would too ?

If I were a first timer though, dipping my toes in,  new models will need to be keenly priced ?  Having said that, they could still produce the S50 and it would just become their base model, I suppose.

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21 minutes ago, Elp said:

This has been uploaded (Ed Ting review), note it is simply an opinion but what do others think. I kind of agree to the last point, I haven't bought one yet because I know for a fact they'll be a better one along shortly, at more cost likely, but the point about e waste is also valid. The image comparisons I don't think were fair, clearly the traditional images were post processed and he didn't touch on that point that with the SS you can also do the same that will likely result in a similar quality other than mentioning someone he knew had processed an Orion example, but then didn't compare similar workflows of targets side by side:



I think he's completely missed the point.

I don't even understand the value of comparing a S50 to a full imaging rig - it's like comparing a non-league team with a Premier League team - it's silly.

I am fully aware that the S50 isn't going to compare brilliantly to a rig which has cost upwards of 5000 GBP (including a lot of second hand stuff) but the use cases are different.  I recently took my S50 to Iceland for a long weekend when I didn't want to take my full setup because the weather was looking very unpredictable.  In the end I got a nights imaging out of it and a very nice image of the bubble nebula.  Another use case is that it's easy for my son to use and he can happily image away whilst I am using my imaging rig.

If ZWO can port the mosaic mode from the Asiair then that will really increase the use cases of the S50.


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Another point is, have thousands invested into equipment you can hardly use is no fun at all. You'll get far more enjoyment out the SS in such cases.

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hmm, tbh I'd agree, misses the point of the product and its niche. I'd rather spend 500 and have an easy plonk and view like the S50 than spend a few K and spend ages setting up, frustrations we read about all the time getting it working, time post processing etc., and then running out to get it all back inside quick cuz it started raining. I don't have space to put up an obsy nor the inclination if I did so something easy like the S50 is perfect for me, esp as it's easy to show the kids/grandkids what its seeing without taking turns at the eyepiece and having to keep the scope on track.

I'm sure there will be 'better' down the road, most likely more £££ etc, but bang for buck it's a good buy IMHO. I wonder how upgradable any of the more expensive ones are for example, likely not at all either and perhaps that'll always be the case unless the manufacturer decides to offer 'approved' upgrade steps for the camera etc., at a 'fair' price of course. They won't want to remove the potential market for their next, better one after all.

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I have raised this point earlier today on a Facebook Seestar group about his comments concerning early adoption.

There's always going to be a better model of anything coming along "later", we just have to wait for it.

I'm 77 in a few days, just how long would our Ed like me to wait for that vastly improved model?

As it happens I'm quite enjoying my Seestar, it took me about 5 minutes last night to set it up and show my grandchildren the wonders of the Orion nebula appearing on the TV screen thanks to iPad screen mirroring.

Imagine my surprise when I looked at the Seestar this morning and found it had stacked and processed an image for me.

It wasn't at all perfect, some of the stars looked a bit weird 😀 and there was some detail missing but with a very little basic work it brushed up quite well. I don't think my audience would have appreciated the "better" image produced by my ZS61!

My only "objection" is the fixed FOV but if I really want to capture something different I can use my other fairly basic kit.

M42 out of Seestar final.jpg

Edited by LaurenceT
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