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Starship go for flight test


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SpaceX have a production line of Boosters and Ships. Booster 9 and Ship 26 are waiting in the wings, with Booster 10 and Ships 27-30 in production.

Ship 25 is complete and waiting but may not fly at this time.

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I still have faith. An endeavor of this magnitude is something incredible. 

I read earlier that E. Musk had said he would be happy as long as it didn't blow up on the pad, destroying it too.

Does this leave the Saturn V as the only launch vehicle with no launch failure?

Edited by maw lod qan
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 I really haven't been following the design of the Starship and was quite surprised at the number of engines the first stage has - reminds me a bit of the Soviet N1. It was pretty impressive to successfully launch and fly for several minutes in my book! 🙂

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I saw a documentary on the Saturn V computer (Possibly YT), showing all the work by women threading impossibly fine wire through the ferrite cores (I'm old enough to remember core store), and feeling angry and depressed that all that effort would be thrown away, ending up at the bottom of the Atlantic.

Hopefully the days of chuck-it-away will soon be over.

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Yes, terribly wasteful, but to be fair to them, sustainability was not part of their design brief, get guys on the moon and return them safely to earth before the decade is out, mission accomplished.

There is great video of one of the guidance system engineers (an old man now) talking about it, he mentioned several times it only had to work once for a few minutes, their mission focus was something to behold.

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I think of "progress", then in my mind compare, automobiles, aircraft and space flight. 

Model T to today's cars with all the abilities computers and AI are bringing.

The Wright Brothers flying what, a little over a minute. To the Concord breaking the speed of sound.

70 years, we've been to the Moon, have space craft out of the solar system, been up close to most of the planets, and even have people living on the ISS.

And I believe we might be right at that time when changes start to happen much faster.

Where does Elon claim to be from?🤔

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  • 2 weeks later...

First of all you have to define what counts as "failure". Way before the launch Elon said that even getting off the OLM would count as a success. That it got past max Q was a bonus.

That bloke seems to have pre-judged Starship as a failure.

But I'm ignoring him as there are far more balanced videos.

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1 hour ago, DaveS said:

First of all you have to define what counts as "failure".

Uncontrolled damage to the launch site, ground facilities and the rocket itself.

Concrete blocks blown up to half a kilometer from the launch.

Poor site control to allow vehicles to be parked within what should be an exclusion zone

Damage to what should have been a protected wildlife zone.

The apparent ineffectiveness of the Flight Termination System


What appears to be a mis-reporting to the FAA of the use of the FTS is something more significant because that is not something that 'just happens in a test flight'

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A RUD on the OLM or shortly after lift off would have been a failure.

SpaceX will (Hopefully) learn from their mistakes and correct them. Rapid failure iterations appears to be the spaceX way.

But I think it doesn't matter what I say, you've already made up your mind.

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3 hours ago, DaveS said:

A RUD on the OLM or shortly after lift off would have been a failure.

SpaceX will (Hopefully) learn from their mistakes and correct them. Rapid failure iterations appears to be the spaceX way.

But I think it doesn't matter what I say, you've already made up your mind.

So there was no failure - glad to have cleared that up to your satisfaction - at least !

So there were failures, and mistakes after all. 

But they'll learn from them.

There is the question of why the ones that were predicted beforehand (including the ones that were predicted as "we think this may be a mistake") were not catered for in advance?  And why that's not a 'failure'


But good to know that I'm the one that's already made up their mind. lol!

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